An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
Todo List
Class IBAMR::AdvDiffWavePropConvectiveOperator
Implement a CONSERVATIVE form for the operator. This will involve writing a new Riemann solver for the flux.
Class IBAMR::IBRedundantInitializer
Document input database entries.
Class IBAMR::IBStandardInitializer
Document input database entries.
Class IBAMR::INSCollocatedWavePropConvectiveOperator
Implement a CONSERVATIVE form for the operator. This will involve writing a new Riemann solver for the flux.
Class IBAMR::INSStaggeredWavePropConvectiveOperator
Implement a CONSERVATIVE form for the operator. This will involve writing a new Riemann solver for the flux.
Member IBTK::LDataManager::scatterLagrangianToPETSc (Vec &lagrangian_vec, Vec &petsc_vec, int level_number) const
Optimize the implementation of this method.
Member IBTK::LDataManager::scatterPETScToLagrangian (Vec &petsc_vec, Vec &lagrangian_vec, int level_number) const
Optimize the implementation of this method.
Member IBTK::LDataManager::scatterToAll (Vec &parallel_vec, Vec &sequential_vec) const
Optimize the implementation of this method.
Member IBTK::LDataManager::scatterToZero (Vec &parallel_vec, Vec &sequential_vec) const
Optimize the implementation of this method.