source/transfer/datamovers/standard/CoarsenCopyTransaction.h File Reference

#include "SAMRAI_config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "BoxOverlap.h"
#include "PatchLevel.h"
#include "tbox/Pointer.h"
#include "tbox/Transaction.h"
#include "CoarsenClasses.h"


namespace  SAMRAI
namespace  SAMRAI::xfer


class  SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenCopyTransaction< DIM >
 Class CoarsenCopyTransaction<DIM> represents a single copy communication transaction between two processors or a local data copy for coaren schedules. Note that to there is an implicit hand-shaking between objects of this class and the CoarsenSchedule<DIM> object that constructs them. Following the coarsen schedule implementation, the source patch data index for a copy transaction always refers to the source data, and the destination patch data index for a copy transaction is always the destination data, all as defined in the CoarsenClasses<DIM> class. More...

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