source/transfer/datamovers/locally_active/LocallyActiveDataRefineSchedule.h File Reference

#include "SAMRAI_config.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "IntVector.h"
#include "LocallyActiveDataPatchLevelManager.h"
#include "PatchHierarchy.h"
#include "PatchLevel.h"
#include "GridGeometry.h"
#include "tbox/Array.h"
#include "tbox/DescribedClass.h"
#include "tbox/Pointer.h"
#include "tbox/Schedule.h"
#include "tbox/Timer.h"
#include "LocallyActiveDataFillBoxSet.h"
#include "RefineClasses.h"
#include "LocallyActiveDataRefinePatchStrategy.h"
#include "LocallyActiveDataRefineTransactionFactory.h"
#include <iostream>


namespace  SAMRAI
namespace  SAMRAI::xfer


class  SAMRAI::xfer::LocallyActiveDataRefineSchedule< DIM >
 Class LocallyActiveDataRefineSchedule<DIM> performs the communication operations that refine data to, copy data to, or fill physical boundary data on a destination patch level, where the data may be defined only on some patches (i.e., the patch data is "locally-active"). This class is based on the RefineSchedule<DIM> class. However, it has a reduced set of functionality since it treats locally-active data. For example, this class does not support time interpolation, and there is only one version of the constructor (vs. three for RefineSchedule<DIM>), the schedule cannot be reset, etc. More...

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