source/hierarchy/variables/PatchDescriptor.h File Reference

#include "SAMRAI_config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "tbox/Array.h"
#include "tbox/List.h"
#include "PatchDataFactory.h"
#include "IntVector.h"
#include "tbox/PIO.h"
#include "tbox/Pointer.h"
#include "tbox/DescribedClass.h"
#include "PatchDescriptor.I"
#include <string>


namespace  SAMRAI
namespace  SAMRAI::hier


class  SAMRAI::hier::PatchDescriptor< DIM >
 Class PatchDescriptor<DIM> maintains a collection of patch data factories and associated names that describes how patch data entries are constructed on each patch in an AMR hierarchy. The factory mechanism is used to create new instances of concrete patch data objects without knowing their actual types. See the Design Patterns book by Gamma {et al.} for more details about the Abstract Factory pattern. Generally, a PatchDescriptor object is intended to be shared among all patches (which are distributed across processors) so that they store patch data objects in the same way. More...

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