source/toolbox/parallel/Schedule.h File Reference

#include "SAMRAI_config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "tbox/Array.h"
#include "tbox/List.h"
#include "tbox/Pointer.h"
#include "tbox/SAMRAI_MPI.h"
#include "tbox/MessageStream.h"
#include "tbox/Transaction.h"


namespace  SAMRAI
namespace  SAMRAI::tbox


class  SAMRAI::tbox::Schedule
 Class Schedule is used to construct and execute a set of data communication transactions. Each transaction represents some data dependency and exchange between two processors, or locally involving a single processor. Once a communication schedule is constructed, transactions are provided to the schedule, using either the addTransaction() method or the appendTransaction() method. The schedule is then executed forcing the communication, either interprocessor or local to occur. The basic idea behind the schedule is that it enables the cost of assembling communication dependencies and data transfers over many communication phases. More...
struct  SAMRAI::tbox::Schedule::ScheduleMessageStream

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