Time Interpolation Operators

Standard time interpolation operators are provided here for each of the SAMRAI array-based patch data types. These operators interpolate linearly in time between two patch data objects to another patch data object whose data corresponds to an intermediate time between the times associated with the two sources. Typically, time interpolation is required to fill ghost cell data around patches from data on a coarser level. During the course of integrating a time-dependent problem over an AMR mesh hierarchy, the times associated with data on successive levels may be different. Each operator defined for a data centering (e.g., cell, face, node) and data type (e.g., double, float, complex) is implemented in a separate class. Each concrete operator class is derived from the abstract operator base class in the transfer package. The actual time interpolation numerical routines are implemented in FORTRAN.

In the interest of brevity, we include header file documentation for a single time interpolation operator. This operator is representative of the interface for every other time interpolation operator class in the patchdata package. For reference, we note that linear time interpolation operators are provided for cell-centered, face-centered, edge-centered, node-centered, side-centered, outerface, and outerside patch data types where the data may be complex, double, or float. All operators have the string identifier "STD_LINEAR_TIME_INTERPOLATE". The purpose of the name string is to distinguish these operators from others that may be added in the future. The string need not be specified to look up time interpolation operators at this time. It is important to note that new time interpolation operators may be added at any time without re-compilation of the patchdata package or SAMRAI library code.

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