code in general, and SAMRAI in particular. There exist wrappers for vectors as well as the complete KINSOL nonlinear algebraic equation solver. Apart from some minor preprocessor features, these interfaces are completely independent of the SAMRAI. The code which maps the vector interface included here to the SAMRAI framework can be found in the SAMRAI "Solvers" package.These classes provide a C++ interface to the KINSOL package, which is written in C. They are sufficiently generic that they may be used independently of the SAMRAI framework. The solver class wraps the KINSOL data structures and function calls so that these items may be more easily used within a C++ program. Static member functions for the nonlinear residual calculation, preconditioner setup and solve, and Jacobian-vector product are provided to link user-defined versions of these routines with KINSOL. The "abstract function" class serves as the interface between the solver class and user-defined implementations of these routines.
Working example codes will be provided in the near future to demonstrate SAMRAI-KINSOL interoperability.
KINSOL is developed in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). For more information about KINSOL, see A.G. Taylor, and A.C. Hindmarsh, "User Documentation for KINSOL, A Nonlinear Solver for Sequential and Parallel Computers", UCRL-ID-13185, July 1998.
Note: These classes assume that vectors based on the SAMRAI::solv::SundialsAbstractVector class are used.