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IBTK::PhysicalBoundaryUtilities Class Reference

Class PhysicalBoundaryUtilities is a utility class to organize functions related to setting values at physical boundaries. More...

#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/ibtk/include/ibtk/PhysicalBoundaryUtilities.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isLower (int loc, int codim, int direction)
 Indicate whether the given boundary information indicates a lower boundary region (i.e., the associated box region contains higher values along the axis in the coordinate direction than the boundary region).
static bool isUpper (int loc, int codim, int direction)
 Indicate whether the given boundary information indicates a upper boundary region (i.e., the associated box region contains lower values along the axis in the coordinate direction than the boundary region).
static SAMRAI::tbox::Array< SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > > getPhysicalBoundaryCodim1Boxes (const SAMRAI::hier::Patch< NDIM > &patch)
 Return the co-dimension 1 boundary boxes corresponding to the physical boundaries of the supplied patch.
static SAMRAI::tbox::Array< SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > > getPhysicalBoundaryCodim2Boxes (const SAMRAI::hier::Patch< NDIM > &patch)
 Return the co-dimension 2 boundary boxes corresponding to the physical boundaries of the supplied patch.
static SAMRAI::tbox::Array< SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > > getPhysicalBoundaryCodim3Boxes (const SAMRAI::hier::Patch< NDIM > &patch)
 Return the co-dimension 3 boundary boxes corresponding to the physical boundaries of the supplied patch.
static SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIMtrimBoundaryCodim1Box (const SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > &bdry_box, const SAMRAI::hier::Patch< NDIM > &patch)
 Trim a co-dimension 1 boundary box so that it does not stick out past the patch domain in directions transverse to the boundary normal.
static SAMRAI::hier::Box< NDIMmakeSideBoundaryCodim1Box (const SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > &boundary_box)
 Return box describing the side index space of surfaces defined by a boundary box.

Detailed Description

Class PhysicalBoundaryUtilities is a utility class to organize functions related to setting values at physical boundaries.

Member Function Documentation

◆ makeSideBoundaryCodim1Box()

Box< NDIM > IBTK::PhysicalBoundaryUtilities::makeSideBoundaryCodim1Box ( const SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > &  boundary_box)

Return box describing the side index space of surfaces defined by a boundary box.

The supplied boundary box must be of type 1.
See also

◆ trimBoundaryCodim1Box()

BoundaryBox< NDIM > IBTK::PhysicalBoundaryUtilities::trimBoundaryCodim1Box ( const SAMRAI::hier::BoundaryBox< NDIM > &  bdry_box,
const SAMRAI::hier::Patch< NDIM > &  patch 

Trim a co-dimension 1 boundary box so that it does not stick out past the patch domain in directions transverse to the boundary normal.

The supplied boundary box must be of type 1.
See also

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