An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
Class RefinePatchStrategySet is a utility class that allows multiple SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy objects to be employed by a single SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule. More...
#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/ibtk/include/ibtk/RefinePatchStrategySet.h>
Class RefinePatchStrategySet is a utility class that allows multiple SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy objects to be employed by a single SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule.
IBTK::RefinePatchStrategySet::~RefinePatchStrategySet | ( | ) |
Function to return maximum stencil width needed over user-defined data interpolation operations. This is needed to determine the correct interpolation data dependencies.
Implements SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.
overridevirtual |
Function to perform user-defined preprocess data refine operations. This member function is called after standard refine operations (expressed using concrete subclasses of the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineOperator base class). The postprocess function refines data from the scratch components of the coarse patch into the scratch components of the fine patch on the specified fine box region. Recall that the scratch components are specified in calls to the registerRefine() function in the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm class.
fine | Fine patch containing destination data. |
coarse | Coarse patch containing source data. |
fine_box | Box region on fine patch into which data is refined. |
ratio | Integer vector containing ratio relating index space between coarse and fine patches. |
Implements SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.
overridevirtual |
Function to perform user-defined refine operations. This member function is called after standard refining operations (expressed using concrete subclasses of the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineOperator base class). The postprocess function refines data from the scratch components of the coarse patch into the scratch components of the fine patch on the specified fine box regions.
fine | Fine patch containing destination data. |
coarse | Coarse patch containing source data. |
fine_boxes | List of box regions on fine patch into which data is refined. |
ratio | Integer vector containing ratio relating index space between coarse and fine patches. |
Reimplemented from SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.
overridevirtual |
Function to perform user-defined preprocess data refine operations. This member function is called before standard refine operations (expressed using concrete subclasses of the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineOperator base class). The preprocess function refines data from the scratch components of the coarse patch into the scratch components of the fine patch on the specified fine box region. Recall that the scratch components are specified in calls to the registerRefine() function in the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm class.
fine | Fine patch containing destination data. |
coarse | Coarse patch containing source data. |
fine_box | Box region on fine patch into which data is refined. |
ratio | Integer vector containing ratio relating index space between coarse and fine patches. |
Implements SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.
overridevirtual |
Function to perform user-defined refine operations. This member function is called before standard refining operations (expressed using concrete subclasses of the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineOperator base class). The preprocess function refines data from the scratch components of the coarse patch into the scratch components of the fine patch on the specified fine box regions.
fine | Fine patch containing destination data. |
coarse | Coarse patch containing source data. |
fine_boxes | List of box regions on fine patch into which data is refined. |
ratio | Integer vector containing ratio relating index space between coarse and fine patches. |
Reimplemented from SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.
overridevirtual |
Function to set data associated with the given list of patch data indices at patch boundaries that intersect the physical domain boundary. The specific boundary conditions are determined by the user. The patch data components set in this routine correspond to the scratch components specified in calls to the registerRefine() function in the SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm class.
patch | Patch on which to fill boundary data. |
fill_time | Double simulation time for boundary filling. |
ghost_width_to_fill | Integer vector describing maximum ghost width to fill over all registered scratch components. |
Implements SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM >.