source/transfer/datamovers/standard/RefineAlgorithm.h File Reference

#include "SAMRAI_config.h"
#include "PatchHierarchy.h"
#include "PatchLevel.h"
#include "tbox/Pointer.h"
#include "RefineClasses.h"
#include "RefineOperator.h"
#include "TimeInterpolateOperator.h"
#include "RefinePatchStrategy.h"
#include "RefineSchedule.h"
#include "RefineTransactionFactory.h"
#include "BoxGeometryFillPattern.h"
#include "VariableFillPattern.h"


namespace  SAMRAI
namespace  SAMRAI::xfer


class  SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm< DIM >
 Class RefineAlgorithm<DIM> encapsulates the AMR communication pattern to refine data to, copy data to, or fill physical boundary data on any destination patch level. The basic procedure for moving data follows three steps:
  1. interpolate data (spatial and possibly temporal) from coarser levels
  2. copy data from the same level of refinement
  3. fill physical boundary conditions regions.


#define NULL   (0)

Define Documentation

#define NULL   (0)

Generated on Thu Jun 18 11:28:17 2009 for SAMRAI by  doxygen 1.5.1