SAMRAI::pdat Namespace Reference


class  ArrayDataAccess
 Utility for wrapping data from ArrayData class in an MDA_Access or MDA_AccessConst object. More...
class  ArrayData
 Class ArrayData<DIM, TYPE> is a basic templated array structure defined over the index space of a box (with a specified depth) that provides the support for the various standard array-based patch data subclasses. More...
class  ArrayDataIterator
class  ArrayDataOperationUtilities
 Struct ArrayDataOperationUtilities<DIM, TYPE, OP> provides generic looping operations for all array-based patch data types. The operations are templated on spatial dimension, data type, and the operation that will be performed on individual array elements in the innermost loop. More...
class  CopyOperation
 Class CopyOperation<TYPE> encapsulates a copy operation into an object. More...
class  SumOperation
 Class SumOperation<TYPE> encapsulates a summation operation into an object. More...
class  CellGeometry
class  CellOverlap
class  EdgeGeometry
class  EdgeOverlap
class  FaceGeometry
class  FaceOverlap
class  FirstLayerCellFillPattern
class  FirstLayerCellNoCornersFillPattern
class  FirstLayerNodeFillPattern
class  NodeGeometry
class  NodeOverlap
class  OuteredgeGeometry
class  OuterfaceGeometry
class  OuternodeGeometry
class  OutersideGeometry
class  SecondLayerNodeFillPattern
class  SecondLayerNodeNoCornersFillPattern
class  SideGeometry
class  SideOverlap
class  CellData
 Class CellData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell centers on AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, a cell data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth at the centers of the cells in the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each cell index location. The CellGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and cell-centered data. More...
class  CellDataFactory
class  CellIndex
class  CellIterator
class  CellVariable
class  EdgeData
 Class EdgeData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell edges on AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, an edge data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the edges of the cells in the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each edge index location. The EdgeGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and edge-centered data. More...
class  EdgeDataFactory
class  EdgeIndex
class  EdgeIterator
class  EdgeVariable
class  FaceData
 Class FaceData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell faces on AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, a face data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the faces of the cells in the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each face index location. The FaceGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and face-centered data. More...
class  FaceDataFactory
class  FaceIndex
class  FaceIterator
class  FaceVariable
class  IndexData
class  IndexDataNode
class  IndexIterator
class  IndexDataFactory
class  IndexVariable
class  MBDataUtilities
 Class MBDataUtilities<DIM,TYPE> is a templated utilitiy class that contains a set of static member functions that can be used to copy patch data between index spaces that are not necessarily aligned on the same axes. More...
class  MultiblockCellDataTranslator
class  MultiblockEdgeDataTranslator
class  MultiblockFaceDataTranslator
class  MultiblockNodeDataTranslator
class  MultiblockSideDataTranslator
class  NodeData
 Class NodeData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at nodes on AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, a node data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth at the nodes of the cells in the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each node index location. The NodeGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and node-centered data. More...
class  NodeDataFactory
class  NodeIndex
class  NodeIterator
class  NodeVariable
class  CellComplexConstantRefine
class  CellDoubleConstantRefine
class  CellFloatConstantRefine
class  CellIntegerConstantRefine
class  EdgeComplexConstantRefine
class  EdgeDoubleConstantRefine
class  EdgeFloatConstantRefine
class  EdgeIntegerConstantRefine
class  FaceComplexConstantRefine
class  FaceDoubleConstantRefine
class  FaceFloatConstantRefine
class  FaceIntegerConstantRefine
class  NodeComplexInjection
class  NodeDoubleInjection
class  NodeFloatInjection
class  NodeIntegerInjection
class  OuterfaceComplexConstantRefine
class  OuterfaceDoubleConstantRefine
class  OuterfaceFloatConstantRefine
class  OuterfaceIntegerConstantRefine
class  OuternodeDoubleConstantCoarsen
 Class OuternodeDoubleConstantCoarsen implements constant averaging (i.e., injection) for outernode-centered double patch data defined over a mesh. More...
class  SideComplexConstantRefine
class  SideDoubleConstantRefine
class  SideFloatConstantRefine
class  SideIntegerConstantRefine
class  CellComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  CellDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  CellFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  EdgeComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  EdgeDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  EdgeFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  FaceComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  FaceDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  FaceFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  NodeComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  NodeDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  NodeFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OuterfaceComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OuterfaceDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OuterfaceFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OutersideComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OutersideDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OutersideFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  SideComplexLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  SideDoubleLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  SideFloatLinearTimeInterpolateOp
class  OuteredgeData
 Class OuteredgeData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell edges on the boundaries of AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, an outeredge data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the cell edges on the boundary of the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each edge index location. The OuteredgedgeGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and outeredge-centered data. More...
class  OuteredgeDataFactory
 Class OuteredgeDataFactory<DIM> is a factory class used to allocate new instances of OuteredgeData<DIM> objects. It is a subclass of the patch data factory class and outeredge data is a subclass of patch data. Both the factory and data classes are templated on the type of the contained object (e.g., double or int). More...
class  OuteredgeVariable
 Class OuteredgeVariable<DIM> is a templated variable class used to define edge-centered data quantities only on patch boundaries. It is a subclass of hier::Variable and is templated on the type of the underlying data (e.g., double, int, bool, etc.). More...
class  OuterfaceData
 Class OuterfaceData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell faces on the boundaries of AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, an outerface data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the cell faces on the boundary of the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each face index location. The OuteredgfaceGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and outerface-centered data. More...
class  OuterfaceDataFactory
class  OuterfaceVariable
 Class OuterfaceVariable<DIM> is a templated variable class used to define face-centered data quantities only on patch boundaries. It is a subclass of hier::Variable and is templated on the type of the underlying data (e.g., double, int, bool, etc.). More...
class  OuternodeData
 Class OuternodeData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell nodes on the boundaries of AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, an outernode data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the cell nodes on the boundary of the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each node index location. The OuternodnodeGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and outernode-centered data. More...
class  OuternodeDataFactory
 Class OuternodeDataFactory is a factory class used to allocate new instances of OuternodeData objects. It is a subclass of the patch data factory class and outernode data is a subclass of patch data. Both the factory and data classes are templated on the type of the contained object (e.g., double or int). More...
class  OuternodeVariable
 Class OuternodeVariable<DIM> is a templated variable class used to define node-centered data quantities only on patch boundaries. It is a subclass of hier::Variable and is templated on the type of the underlying data (e.g., double, int, bool, etc.). More...
class  OutersideData
 Class OutersideData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell sides (faces) on the boundaries of AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, an outerside data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the cell sides (faces) on the boundary of the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each face index location. The OuteredgsideGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and outerside-centered data. More...
class  OutersideDataFactory
class  OutersideVariable
 Class OutersideVariable<DIM> is a templated variable class used to define side-centered data quantities only on patch boundaries. It is a subclass of hier::Variable and is templated on the type of the underlying data (e.g., double, int, bool, etc.). More...
class  SideData
 Class SideData<DIM> provides an implementation for data defined at cell sides (faces) on AMR patches. It is derived from the hier::PatchData interface common to all SAMRAI patch data types. Given a CELL-centered AMR index space box, a side data object represents data of some template TYPE and depth on the sides (faces) of the cells in the box. Here, depth indicates the number of data values at each side index location. The SideGeometry class provides the translation between the standard SAMRAI cell-centered AMR index space and side-centered data. More...
class  SideDataFactory
class  SideIndex
class  SideIterator
class  SideVariable

Generated on Thu Jun 18 11:28:42 2009 for SAMRAI by  doxygen 1.5.1