An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
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IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver Class Reference

#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/include/ibamr/KrylovMobilitySolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 KrylovMobilitySolver (std::string object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBAMR::INSStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator > navier_stokes_integrator, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBAMR::CIBStrategy > cib_strategy, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, std::string default_options_prefix, MPI_Comm petsc_comm=PETSC_COMM_WORLD)
 Constructor for mobility solver that employs the PETSc KSP solver framework.
virtual ~KrylovMobilitySolver ()
void setKSPType (const std::string &ksp_type)
 Set the KSP type.
void setOptionsPrefix (const std::string &options_prefix)
 Set the options prefix used by this PETSc solver object.
const KSP & getPETScKSP () const
 Get the PETSc KSP object.
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBAMR::StaggeredStokesSolvergetStokesSolver () const
 Return the Stokes solver used in the preconditioner of the solver.
void setVelocityPoissonSpecifications (const SAMRAI::solv::PoissonSpecifications &u_problem_coefs)
 Set the PoissonSpecifications object used to specify the coefficients for the momentum equation in the incompressible Stokes operator.
void setPhysicalBoundaryHelper (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBAMR::StaggeredStokesPhysicalBoundaryHelper > bc_helper)
 Set the StokesSpecifications object and timestep size used to specify the coefficients for the time-dependent incompressible Stokes operator.
void setPhysicalBcCoefs (const std::vector< SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > * > &u_bc_coefs, SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > *p_bc_coef)
 Set the SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy objects used to specify physical boundary conditions.
bool solveSystem (Vec x, Vec b)
 Solve the linear system of equations $ Mx=b $ for $ x $.
void initializeSolverState (Vec x, Vec b)
 Compute hierarchy dependent data required for solving $ Mx = b $.
void deallocateSolverState ()
 Remove all hierarchy dependent data allocated by initializeSolverState().
void setSolutionTime (double solution_time)
 Set the time at which the solution is to be evaluated.
void setTimeInterval (double current_time, double new_time)
 Set the current time interval.
void setInterpScale (const double scale_interp)
 Set scale factor for interp operator.
void setSpreadScale (const double scale_spread)
 Set scale factor for spread operator.
void setRegularizeMobilityScale (const double scale_reg_mob)
 Set scale factor for regularizing mobility matrix.
void setNormalizeSpreadForce (const bool normalize_force)
 Set if the mean of the Lagrangian force is to be subtracted from the Eulerian force variable.

Detailed Description

We are trying to solve the problem

$ Mx = [J L^{-1} S]x = b $; for $ x $.

Here, $ M $ is the mobility matrix, $ J $ is the interpolation operator, $ L $ is the Stokes operator, and $ S $ is the spreading operator.

Member Function Documentation

◆ deallocateSolverState()

void IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver::deallocateSolverState ( )

Remove all hierarchy dependent data allocated by initializeSolverState().

It is safe to call deallocateSolverState() when the solver state is already deallocated.
See also

◆ initializeSolverState()

void IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver::initializeSolverState ( Vec  x,
Vec  b 

Compute hierarchy dependent data required for solving $ Mx = b $.

xsolution vector
bright-hand-side vector

◆ setNormalizeSpreadForce()

void IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver::setNormalizeSpreadForce ( const bool  normalize_force)

Set if the mean of the Lagrangian force is to be subtracted from the Eulerian force variable.

This operation is needed for certain situations like Stokes flow with periodic BCs.

◆ setPhysicalBcCoefs()

void IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver::setPhysicalBcCoefs ( const std::vector< SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > * > &  u_bc_coefs,
SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > *  p_bc_coef 

Set the SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy objects used to specify physical boundary conditions.

Any of the elements of u_bc_coefs may be nullptr. In this case, homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are employed for that data depth. p_bc_coef may also be nullptr; in that case, homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are employed for the pressure.
u_bc_coefsVector of pointers to objects that can set the Robin boundary condition coefficients for the velocity.
p_bc_coefPointer to object that can set the Robin boundary condition coefficients for the pressure.

◆ solveSystem()

bool IBAMR::KrylovMobilitySolver::solveSystem ( Vec  x,
Vec  b 

Solve the linear system of equations $ Mx=b $ for $ x $.

xsolution vector
bright-hand-side vector
true if the solver converged to the specified tolerances, false otherwise

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