An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
Namespaces | |
namespace | LevelSetUtilities |
Class LevelSetUtilities provides implementation of some helper functions to enforce mass/volume conservation of phases. | |
namespace | VCINSUtilities |
The vc_ins_utilities class can be utilized to set fluid properties such as density and viscosity for both two-phase and three-phase flows throughout the entire domain. Additionally, this class provides implementations for gravity force calculations in two-phase and three-phase flows. | |
namespace | WaveDampingFunctions |
namespace | WaveGenerationFunctions |
Classes | |
class | AdvDiffCenteredConvectiveOperator |
Class AdvDiffCenteredConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a centered convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | AdvDiffConservativeMassScalarTransportRKIntegrator |
Class AdvDiffConservativeMassScalarTransportRKIntegrator is a concrete class that integrates the collocated density field. More... | |
class | AdvDiffConvectiveOperatorManager |
Class AdvDiffConvectiveOperatorManager is a singleton manager class to provide access to generic cell-centered ConvectiveOperator implementations suitable for use with class AdvDiffHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | AdvDiffCUIConvectiveOperator |
Class AdvDiffCUIConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the cubic upwind interpolation (CUI). More... | |
class | AdvDiffHierarchyIntegrator |
Class AdvDiffHierarchyIntegrator provides an abstract interface for a time integrator for advection-diffusion or advection-reaction-diffusion equations on an AMR grid hierarchy, along with basic data management for variables defined on that hierarchy. More... | |
class | AdvDiffPhysicalBoundaryUtilities |
Class AdvDiffPhysicalBoundaryUtilities is a utility class that provides functions useful for dealing with physical boundary conditions for advection-diffusion solvers. More... | |
class | AdvDiffPPMConvectiveOperator |
Class AdvDiffPPMConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the piecewise parabolic method (PPM). More... | |
class | AdvDiffPredictorCorrectorHierarchyIntegrator |
Class AdvDiffPredictorCorrectorHierarchyIntegrator manages the spatial discretization and time integration of scalar- and vector-valued quantities whose dynamics are governed by the advection-diffusion equation. More... | |
class | AdvDiffPredictorCorrectorHyperbolicPatchOps |
Class AdvDiffPredictorCorrectorHyperbolicPatchOps is a specialization of class AdvectorPredictorCorrectorHyperbolicPatchOps for use with a linearly-implicit time integrator for the advection-diffusion equation. More... | |
class | AdvDiffSemiImplicitHierarchyIntegrator |
Class AdvDiffSemiImplicitHierarchyIntegrator manages the spatial discretization and time integration of scalar- and vector-valued quantities whose dynamics are governed by the advection-diffusion equation. More... | |
class | AdvDiffStochasticForcing |
Class AdvDiffStochasticForcing provides an interface for specifying a stochastic forcing term for cell-centered advection-diffusion solver solver. More... | |
class | AdvDiffWavePropConvectiveOperator |
Class AdvDiffWavePropConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a convective operator based on the wave propagation method. More... | |
class | AdvectorExplicitPredictorPatchOps |
Class AdvectorExplicitPredictorPatchOps provides patch-based operations required to implement a second-order Godunov method for the linear advection equation in conservative and non-conservative forms. More... | |
class | AdvectorPredictorCorrectorHyperbolicPatchOps |
Class AdvectorPredictorCorrectorHyperbolicPatchOps is a concrete SAMRAI::algs::HyperbolicPatchStrategy that makes use of class AdvectorExplicitPredictorPatchOps to solve the linear advection equation. More... | |
class | AllenCahnHierarchyIntegrator |
Class AllenCahnHierarchyIntegrator is a concrete class that manages the time integration of the Allen-Cahn and energy equation. More... | |
class | BrinkmanAdvDiffBcHelper |
BrinkmanAdvDiffBcHelper is an abstract class that provides an interface to implement Brinkman penalization body force in the advection-diffusion equation in order to enforce Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions on surfaces of rigid immersed bodies. A single instance of this class is meant to handle all of the Brinkman penalization zones for multiple transported quantities with various boundary conditions. More... | |
class | BrinkmanAdvDiffSemiImplicitHierarchyIntegrator |
Class BrinkmanAdvDiffSemiImplicitHierarchyIntegrator manages the spatial discretization and time integration of scalar- and vector-valued quantities whose dynamics are governed by the advection-diffusion equation. If the variable is registered with penalization boundary conditions, this class computes the additional diffusion coefficient and the forcing term from BrinkmanAdvDiffBcHelper class and solves a penalized advection-diffusion equation for that variable. More... | |
class | BrinkmanPenalizationStrategy |
BrinkmanPenalizationStrategy is an abstract class that provides an interface to implement Brinkman penalization body force in the momentum equation. More... | |
class | CarmanKozenyDragForce |
CarmanKozenyDragForce provides an implementation of Carman-Kozeny drag force to impose zero velocity inside the solid ![]() | |
class | CellConvectiveOperator |
Class CellConvectiveOperator is an abstract class for an implementation of a convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | CFGiesekusStrategy |
Class CFGiesekusStrategy is a concrete CFStrategy that computes the relaxation function for the Giesekus fluid model. More... | |
class | CFINSForcing |
Class CFINSForcing provides an interface for specifying a viscoelastic stress to be added to the Navier-Stokes equations. The class uses the advection diffusion integrator to update the viscoelastic stress. More... | |
class | CFOldroydBStrategy |
Class CFOldroydBStrategy is a concrete CFStrategy that computes the relaxation function for an Oldroyd-B fluid model. More... | |
class | CFRoliePolyStrategy |
Class CFRoliePolyStrategy is a concrete CFStrategy that computes the relaxation function for the Rolie-Poly fluid model. More... | |
class | CFStrategy |
Class CFStrategy is an abstract class that provides an interface for specifying the details of a complex fluid model. More... | |
class | CFUpperConvectiveOperator |
Class CFUpperConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements the upper convective derivative. This uses second order finite differences to compute the velocity gradients. The transport component can be chosen from any current convective operators. If the advected quantity allows for a square root or logarithmic decomposition, this class can advect the symmetric square root or logarithm of the tensor. Note that this class requires the registration of a source funtion before it can be applied. More... | |
class | CIBMethod |
Class CIBMethod is a concrete CIBStrategy and IBMethod class which implements the motion of rigid bodies using the constraint formulation. The immersed structure is discretized using standard IB markers. More... | |
class | CIBMobilitySolver |
Class CIBMobilitySolver solves for the constraint forces ![]() ![]() | |
class | CIBSaddlePointSolver |
Class CIBSaddlePointSolver solves for the fluid velocity ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
class | CIBStaggeredStokesOperator |
Class CIBStaggeredStokesOperator is a concrete IBTK::LinearOperator which implements a staggered-grid (MAC) discretization of the incompressible Stokes operator while maintaining the constraint of rigidity for the immersed structures. More... | |
class | CIBStaggeredStokesSolver |
Class CIBStaggeredStokesSolver is an extension of IBAMR::StaggeredStokesSolver class that solves for the Langrange multiplier field ![]() | |
class | CIBStrategy |
Class CIBStrategy is a lightweight abstract strategy class which provides support for constraint based IB methods for rigid bodies. More... | |
class | ConstraintIBKinematics |
Class ConstraintIBKinematics encapsulates structure information and provides abstraction to get kinematics (deformational or imposed) of immersed structure to ConstraintIBMethod class. More... | |
class | ConstraintIBMethod |
Class ConstraintIBMethod implements the rigidity constraint for rigid and deforming bodies using the constraint based IB method. More... | |
class | ConvectiveOperator |
Class ConvectiveOperator is a abstract class for an implementation of a convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | DirectMobilitySolver |
Class DirectMobilitySolver solves the mobility and body-mobility sub-problem by employing direct solvers. More... | |
class | EnthalpyHierarchyIntegrator |
Class EnthalpyHierarchyIntegrator is a concrete class that manages the time integration of energy and phase change equations using the enthalpy approach. More... | |
class | FastSweepingLSMethod |
Class FastSweepingLSMethod provides a fast-sweeping algorithm implementation of the level set method. Specifically, this class produces a solution to the Eikonal equation ![]() | |
class | FEMechanicsExplicitIntegrator |
Class FEMechanicsExplicitIntegrator is an implementation of the abstract base class FEMechanicsBase that provides a simple explicit elastodynamics time integrator with an interface that is similar to IBFEMethod to facilitate model re-use. More... | |
class | FifthOrderStokesWaveGenerator |
Class for generating fifth order Stokes wave using Fenton's (Stokes) wave theory. More... | |
class | FirstOrderStokesWaveGenerator |
Class for generating first order water waves based upon linear wave theory. More... | |
class | GeneralizedIBMethod |
Class GeneralizedIBMethod is an extension of class IBMethod that provides functionality required by the generalized IB (gIB) method. More... | |
class | HeavisideForcingFunction |
Class HeavisideForcingFunction computes ![]() | |
class | IBAnchorPointSpec |
Class IBAnchorPointSpec is used to indicate that a particular node of the curvilinear mesh is anchored in place. More... | |
class | IBBeamForceSpec |
Class IBBeamForceSpec encapsulates the data necessary to compute the forces generated by a collection of linear beams (i.e., structures that resist bending) at a single node of the Lagrangian mesh. More... | |
class | IBExplicitHierarchyIntegrator |
Class IBExplicitHierarchyIntegrator is an implementation of a formally second-order accurate, semi-implicit version of the immersed boundary method. More... | |
class | IBFEDirectForcingKinematics |
Class IBFEDirectForcingKinematics is a helper class that provides direct forcing IBMethod functionality to the IBFEMethod class. More... | |
class | IBHierarchyIntegrator |
Class IBHierarchyIntegrator provides an abstract interface for a time integrator for various versions of the immersed boundary method on an AMR grid hierarchy, along with basic data management for variables defined on that hierarchy. More... | |
class | IBHydrodynamicForceEvaluator |
Class IBHydrodynamicForceEvaluator computes hydrodynamic force and torque on immersed bodies. The class uses Reynolds transport theorem to integrate momentum over a Cartesian box region that moves with an arbitrary rigid body translation velocity. More... | |
class | IBHydrodynamicSurfaceForceEvaluator |
Class IBHydrodynamicSurfaceForceEvaluator computes hydrodynamic force on immersed bodies. The class uses a level set indicator for the solid body to add up surface forces in the cells adjacent to the immersed structure. More... | |
class | IBImplicitStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator |
Class IBImplicitStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator is an implementation of a formally second-order accurate, nonlinearly-implicit version of the immersed boundary method. More... | |
class | IBImplicitStrategy |
Class IBImplicitStrategy provides a generic interface for specifying the implementation details of a particular implicit version of the IB method. More... | |
class | IBInstrumentationSpec |
Class IBInstrumentationSpec encapsulates the data required to initialize distributed internal flow meters and pressure gauges. More... | |
class | IBInstrumentPanel |
Class IBInstrumentPanel provides support for flow meters and pressure gauges. More... | |
class | IBInterpolantHierarchyIntegrator |
Class IBInterpolantHierarchyIntegrator is an implementation of Brinkman penalization immersed boundary method. More... | |
class | IBInterpolantMethod |
Class IBInterpolantMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBStrategy that provides a simple functionality of interpolating and spreading scalar or vector-valued quantities to and from the moving IB structure on the background Cartesian grid. More... | |
class | IBKirchhoffRodForceGen |
Class IBKirchhoffRodForceGen computes the forces and torques generated by a collection of linear elements based on Kirchhoff rod theory. More... | |
class | IBLagrangianForceStrategy |
Class IBLagrangianForceStrategy provides a generic interface for specifying nodal forces (not force densities) on the Lagrangian curvilinear mesh. More... | |
class | IBLagrangianForceStrategySet |
Class IBLagrangianForceStrategySet is a utility class that allows multiple IBLagrangianForceStrategy objects to be employed by a single IBHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | IBLagrangianSourceStrategy |
Class IBLagrangianForceStrategy provides a generic interface for specifying the positions and magnitudes of distributed internal fluid source-sinks. More... | |
class | IBLevelSetMethod |
Class IBLevelSetMethod is a concrete IBStrategy class that uses IBInterpolantMethod and IBFEMethod objects to initialize and transport rigid body level sets for Brinkman penalized IBMethod. This class is supposed to be used with INSVCHierarchyIntegrator class. More... | |
class | IBMethod |
Class IBMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBImplicitStrategy that provides functionality required by the standard IB method. More... | |
class | IBMethodPostProcessStrategy |
Class IBMethodPostProcessStrategy provides a generic interface for specifying post-processing code for use in an IB computation. More... | |
class | IBRedundantInitializer |
Class IBRedundantInitializer is an abstract LInitStrategy that initializes the configuration of one or more Lagrangian structures from input files. More... | |
class | IBRodForceSpec |
Class IBRodForceSpec encapsulates the data necessary to compute the forces generated by a network of Kirchhoff rods at a single node of the Lagrangian mesh. More... | |
class | IBSourceSpec |
Class IBSourceSpec encapsulates the data required to initialize distributed internal sources and sinks. More... | |
class | IBSpringForceSpec |
Class IBSpringForceSpec encapsulates the data necessary to compute the forces generated by a network of linear or nonlinear springs (i.e., structures that resist extension and/or compression) at a single node of the Lagrangian mesh. More... | |
class | IBStandardForceGen |
Class IBStandardForceGen is a concrete IBLagrangianForceStrategy that is intended to be used in conjunction with curvilinear mesh data generated by class IBStandardInitializer. More... | |
class | IBStandardInitializer |
Class IBStandardInitializer is a concrete LInitStrategy that initializes the configuration of one or more Lagrangian structures from input files. More... | |
class | IBStandardSourceGen |
Class IBStandardSourceGen provides support for distributed internal fluid sources/sinks. More... | |
class | IBStrategy |
Class IBStrategy provides a generic interface for specifying the implementation details of a particular version of the IB method. More... | |
class | IBStrategySet |
Class IBStrategySet is a utility class that allows multiple IBStrategy objects to be employed by a single IBHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | IBTargetPointForceSpec |
Class IBTargetPointForceSpec encapsulates the data necessary to compute the penalty force generated by a single fixed target point (i.e., a force that approximately imposes a Dirichlet boundary condition at a single node of the Lagrangian mesh). More... | |
class | IIMethod |
Class IIMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBStrategy that provides functionality required by the IB method with a finite element representation of a surface mesh. More... | |
class | INSCollocatedCenteredConvectiveOperator |
Class INSCollocatedCenteredConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator which implements a centered convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | INSCollocatedConvectiveOperatorManager |
Class INSCollocatedConvectiveOperatorManager is a singleton manager class to provide access to generic cell-centered ConvectiveOperator implementations suitable for use with class INSCollocatedHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | INSCollocatedHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSCollocatedHierarchyIntegrator provides a collocated projection method-based solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an AMR grid hierarchy. More... | |
class | INSCollocatedPPMConvectiveOperator |
Class INSCollocatedPPMConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the piecewise parabolic method (PPM). More... | |
class | INSCollocatedVelocityBcCoef |
Class INSCollocatedVelocityBcCoef is a concrete StokesBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify velocity boundary conditions for the staggered grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver. More... | |
class | INSCollocatedWavePropConvectiveOperator |
Class INSCollocatedWavePropConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a convective operator based on the wave propagation method. More... | |
class | INSHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSHierarchyIntegrator provides an abstract interface for a time integrator for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an AMR grid hierarchy, along with basic data management for variables defined on that hierarchy. More... | |
class | INSIntermediateVelocityBcCoef |
Class INSIntermediateVelocityBcCoef is a concrete SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify boundary conditions for the intermediate velocity solve embedded in a projection method or in a block preconditioner for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | INSProjectionBcCoef |
Class INSIntermediateVelocityBcCoef is a concrete SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify boundary conditions for the projection Poisson problem embedded in a projection method or in a block preconditioner for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredCenteredConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredCenteredConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator which implements a centered convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredConvectiveOperatorManager |
Class INSStaggeredConvectiveOperatorManager is a singleton manager class to provide access to generic cell-centered ConvectiveOperator implementations suitable for use with class INSStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredCUIConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredCUIConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the cubic upwind interpolation (CUI). More... | |
class | INSStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator provides a staggered-grid solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an AMR grid hierarchy. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredPPMConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredPPMConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the piecewise parabolic method (PPM). More... | |
class | INSStaggeredPressureBcCoef |
Class INSStaggeredPressureBcCoef is a concrete StokesBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify pressure boundary conditions for the staggered grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredStabilizedPPMConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredStabilizedPPMConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a upwind convective differencing operator based on the piecewise parabolic method (PPM). This discretization is "stabilized" at open boundaries by blending the higher-order discretization with first-order upwind. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredStochasticForcing |
Class INSStaggeredStochasticForcing provides an interface for specifying a stochastic forcing term for a staggered-grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredUpwindConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredUpwindConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a first-order upwind convective differencing operator. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredVelocityBcCoef |
Class INSStaggeredVelocityBcCoef is a concrete StokesBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify velocity boundary conditions for the staggered grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver. More... | |
class | INSStaggeredWavePropConvectiveOperator |
Class INSStaggeredWavePropConvectiveOperator is a concrete ConvectiveOperator that implements a convective operator based on the wave propagation method. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredConservativeHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSVCStaggeredConservativeHierarchyIntegrator provides a staggered-grid solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an AMR grid hierarchy, with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredConservativeMassMomentumRKIntegrator |
Class INSVCStaggeredConservativeMassMomentumRKIntegrator integrates the staggered density field. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredConservativeMassMomentumSSPRKIntegrator |
Class INSVCStaggeredConservativeMassMomentumSSPRKIntegrator is a derived class that integrates the staggered density field. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator provides an abstract interface for time integrator for a staggered-grid, incompressible Navier-Stokes solver on an AMR grid hierarchy with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredNonConservativeHierarchyIntegrator |
Class INSVCStaggeredNonConservativeHierarchyIntegrator provides a staggered-grid solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an AMR grid hierarchy, with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredPressureBcCoef |
Class INSVCStaggeredPressureBcCoef is a concrete StokesBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify pressure boundary conditions for the staggered grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | INSVCStaggeredVelocityBcCoef |
Class INSVCStaggeredVelocityBcCoef is a concrete StokesBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify velocity boundary conditions for the staggered grid incompressible Navier-Stokes solver with variable coefficents. More... | |
class | IrregularWaveBcCoef |
Class IrregularWaveBcCoef is an implementation of the strategy class SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that provides Dirichlet velocity boundary condition based upon linear wave theory of water waves to generate irregular waves at the inlet of the wave tank. The class is meant to be used with INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | IrregularWaveGenerator |
Class for generating Irregular waves. More... | |
class | KrylovFreeBodyMobilitySolver |
class | KrylovLinearSolverStaggeredStokesSolverInterface |
Class KrylovLinearSolverStaggeredStokesSolverInterface provides an interface for KrylovLinearSolvers that are to be used as staggered Stokes solvers. More... | |
class | KrylovMobilitySolver |
class | LSInitStrategy |
Class LSInitStrategy provides a generic interface for initializing the implementation details of a particular version of the level set method. More... | |
class | MarangoniSurfaceTensionForceFunction |
Class MarangoniSurfaceTensionForceFunction provides Marangoni forcing due to temperature variations. This class computes the forcing term ![]() | |
class | MobilityFunctions |
Class MobilityFunctions provides empirical functions/fits for forming mobility matrix needed for fully constraint based IB method. More... | |
class | NonbondedForceEvaluator |
class | PenaltyIBMethod |
Class PenaltyIBMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBStrategy that provides functionality required by the penalty IB (pIB) method. More... | |
class | PETScKrylovStaggeredStokesSolver |
Class PETScKrylovStaggeredStokesSolver is an extension of class PETScKrylovLinearSolver that provides an implementation of the StaggeredStokesSolver interface. More... | |
class | PhaseChangeDivUSourceFunction |
Class PhaseChangeDivUSourceFunction class set the RHS of the Div U equation computed from the PhaseChangeHierarchyIntegrator class. More... | |
class | RelaxationLSBcCoefs |
Class RelaxationLSBcCoefs is an implementation of the strategy class RobinBcCoefStrategy that is used to specify fixed Dirichlet boundary conditions for the level set function during reinitialization step. More... | |
class | RelaxationLSMethod |
Class RelaxationLSMethod provides a relaxation algorithm implementation of the level set method. Specifically, this class iterates (to steady-state) the PDE ![]() ![]() | |
class | RNG |
Class RNG organizes functions that provide random-number generator functionality. More... | |
class | SpongeLayerForceFunction |
Class SpongeLayerForceFunction provides forcing at physical boundaries that weakly imposes homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesBlockFactorizationPreconditioner |
Class StaggeredStokesBlockFactorizationPreconditioner is a concrete StaggeredStokesBlockPreconditioner that implements a staggered grid (MAC) block factorization (approximate Schur complement) preconditioner for the incompressible Stokes equations. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesBlockPreconditioner |
Class StaggeredStokesBlockPreconditioner is an abstract base class for Stokes solvers that are implemented using block (subdomain) solvers. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesBoxRelaxationFACOperator |
Class StaggeredStokesBoxRelaxationFACOperator is a concrete StaggeredStokesFACPreconditionerStrategy implementing a box relaxation (Vanka-type) smoother for use as a multigrid preconditioner. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesFACPreconditioner |
Class StaggeredStokesFACPreconditioner is a FACPreconditioner that has been specialized for Stokes problems. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesFACPreconditionerStrategy |
Class StaggeredStokesFACPreconditionerStrategy is an abstract FACPreconditionerStrategy implementing many of the operations required by smoothers for staggered-grid (MAC) discretizations of the incompressible Stokes equations and related problems. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesIBLevelRelaxationFACOperator |
Class StaggeredStokesIBLevelRelaxationFACOperator is a concrete FACPreconditionerStrategy class that implements the operations required by smoothers for staggered-grid (MAC) discretizations of the implicit incompressible Stokes-IB equations. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesLevelRelaxationFACOperator |
Class StaggeredStokesLevelRelaxationFACOperator is a concrete StaggeredStokesFACPreconditionerStrategy implementing a level relaxation smoother for use as a multigrid preconditioner. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesOpenBoundaryStabilizer |
Class StaggeredStokesOpenBoundaryStabilizer provides forcing at physical boundaries that attempts to stabilize flows at open boundaries. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesOperator |
Class StaggeredStokesOperator is a concrete IBTK::LinearOperator which implements a staggered-grid (MAC) discretization of the incompressible Stokes operator. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesPETScLevelSolver |
Class StaggeredStokesPETScLevelSolver is a concrete PETScLevelSolver for a staggered-grid (MAC) discretization of the incompressible Stokes equations. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesPETScMatUtilities |
Class StaggeredStokesPETScMatUtilities provides utility functions for PETSc Mat objects. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesPETScVecUtilities |
Class StaggeredStokesPETScVecUtilities provides utility functions for PETSc Vec objects. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesPhysicalBoundaryHelper |
Class StaggeredStokesPhysicalBoundaryHelper provides helper functions to enforce physical boundary conditions for a staggered grid discretization of the incompressible (Navier-)Stokes equations. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner |
Class StaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner is a concrete StokesSolver that implements a staggered grid (MAC) projection solver for the incompressible Stokes operator. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesSolver |
Class StaggeredStokesSolver is an abstract base class for staggered-grid Stokes solvers. More... | |
class | StaggeredStokesSolverManager |
Class StaggeredStokesSolverManager is a singleton manager class to provide access to generic staggered-grid Stokes solver implementations. More... | |
class | StokesBcCoefStrategy |
Class StokesBcCoefStrategy is a subclass of the abstract base class IBTK::ExtendedRobinBcCoefStrategy to allow for specialization needed to treat physical boundary conditions for coupled Stokes solvers. More... | |
class | StokesFifthOrderWaveBcCoef |
Class StokesFifthOrderWaveBcCoef is an implementation of the strategy class SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that provides Dirichlet velocity boundary condition based upon Stokes' fifth-order theory of water waves at the inlet of the wave tank. The class is meant to be used with INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | StokesFirstOrderWaveBcCoef |
Class StokesFirstOrderWaveBcCoef is an implementation of the strategy class SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that provides Dirichlet velocity boundary condition based upon Stokes' lineary theory of water waves at the inlet of the wave tank. This class is meant to be used with INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | StokesSecondOrderWaveBcCoef |
Class StokesSecondOrderWaveBcCoef is an implementation of the strategy class SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy that provides Dirichlet velocity boundary condition based upon Stokes' second order theory of water waves at the inlet of the wave tank. This class is meant to be used with INSVCStaggeredHierarchyIntegrator. More... | |
class | StokesSpecifications |
Class StokesSpecifications is a lightweight utility class that is used to specify the physical parameters of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | StokesWaveGeneratorStrategy |
Strategy class for generating Stokes wave. More... | |
class | STSMassFluxIntegrator |
Class STSMassFluxIntegrator is an abstract class which integrates the density field. More... | |
class | SurfaceTensionForceFunction |
Class SurfaceTensionForceFunction provides surface tension forcing using the continuum surface tension force model of Brackbill, Kothe, and Zemach. More... | |
class | VCStaggeredStokesOperator |
Class VCStaggeredStokesOperator is a concrete IBTK::LinearOperator which implements a staggered-grid (MAC) discretization of the incompressible Stokes operator with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | VCStaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner |
Class VCStaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner is a concrete StokesSolver that implements a staggered grid (MAC) projection solver for the incompressible Stokes operator with variable coefficients. More... | |
class | Wall |
class | WallForceEvaluator |
struct | WaveDampingData |
struct | WaveGenerationData |
Typedefs | |
using | SpringForceFcnPtr = double(*)(double R, const double *params, int lag_mastr_idx, int lag_slave_idx) |
Typedef specifying the spring force function API. | |
using | SpringForceDerivFcnPtr = double(*)(double R, const double *params, int lag_mastr_idx, int lag_slave_idx) |
Typedef specifying the spring force derivative function API. | |
Enumerations | |
Enumerated type for different convective differencing schemes. | |
enum | LimiterType { CTU_ONLY = 1 , MINMOD_LIMITED = 2 , MC_LIMITED = 3 , SUPERBEE_LIMITED = 4 , MUSCL_LIMITED = 5 , SECOND_ORDER = 6 , FOURTH_ORDER = 7 , PPM = 8 , XSPPM7 = 9 , UPWIND = 10 , CUI = 11 , FBICS = 12 , MGAMMA = 13 , UNKNOWN_LIMITER_TYPE = -1 } |
Enumerated type for different limiter types. | |
enum | LevelSetType { FAST_SWEEPING = 1 , RELAXATION = 2 , UNKNOWN_LEVEL_SET_TYPE = -1 } |
Enumerated type for different level set methods. | |
Enumerated type for different level set order. | |
enum | LevelSetTimeStepping { GAUSS_SEIDEL_PSEUDO_TS = 1 , RK1_TS = 2 , TVD_RK2_TS = 3 , UNKNOWN_LEVEL_SET_TS = -1 } |
Enumerated type for different level set time stepping schemes. | |
Enumerated type for pressure formulations. | |
Enumerated type for different basic time stepping schemes. | |
Enumerated type for different types of traction boundary conditions. | |
Enumerated type for different pressure update schemes for the projection method. | |
Enumerated type for different forms of the stochastic stress tensor. | |
Enumerated type for different forms of dense mobility matrix. | |
Enumerated type for different direct methods for dense mobility matrix inversion. | |
Enumerated type for different possible libMesh partitioners. | |
Enumerated type for different evolution of SPD tensors. | |
enum | AdvDiffBrinkmanPenalizationBcType { DIRICHLET = 1 , NEUMANN = 2 , ROBIN = 3 , UNKNOWN_BRINKMAN_BC_TYPE = -1 } |
Enumerated type for different Advection-Diffusion Brinkman penalization boundary conditions. | |
enum | IndicatorFunctionType { SMOOTH = 1 , DISCONTINUOUS = 2 , UNKNOWN_INDICATOR_FUNC_TYPE = -1 } |
Enumerated type for different indicator functions. | |
Functions | |
void | convert_to_conformation_tensor (IBTK::MatrixNd &mat, TensorEvolutionType evolve_type) |
IBTK::MatrixNd | convert_to_conformation_tensor (const SAMRAI::pdat::CellData< NDIM, double > &C_data, const SAMRAI::pdat::CellIndex< NDIM > &idx, TensorEvolutionType evolve_type) |
template<typename T > | |
T | string_to_enum (const std::string &) |
Routine for converting strings to enums. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | enum_to_string (T) |
Routine for converting enums to strings. | |
template<> | |
ConvectiveDifferencingType | string_to_enum< ConvectiveDifferencingType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< ConvectiveDifferencingType > (ConvectiveDifferencingType val) |
template<> | |
LimiterType | string_to_enum< LimiterType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< LimiterType > (LimiterType val) |
template<> | |
LevelSetType | string_to_enum< LevelSetType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< LevelSetType > (LevelSetType val) |
template<> | |
LevelSetOrder | string_to_enum< LevelSetOrder > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< LevelSetOrder > (LevelSetOrder val) |
template<> | |
LevelSetTimeStepping | string_to_enum< LevelSetTimeStepping > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< LevelSetTimeStepping > (LevelSetTimeStepping val) |
template<> | |
PressureProjectionType | string_to_enum< PressureProjectionType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< PressureProjectionType > (PressureProjectionType val) |
template<> | |
TimeSteppingType | string_to_enum< TimeSteppingType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< TimeSteppingType > (TimeSteppingType val) |
bool | is_multistep_time_stepping_type (TimeSteppingType val) |
bool | is_bdf_time_stepping_type (TimeSteppingType val) |
template<> | |
TractionBcType | string_to_enum< TractionBcType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< TractionBcType > (TractionBcType val) |
template<> | |
ProjectionMethodType | string_to_enum< ProjectionMethodType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< ProjectionMethodType > (ProjectionMethodType val) |
template<> | |
StochasticStressTensorType | string_to_enum< StochasticStressTensorType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< StochasticStressTensorType > (StochasticStressTensorType val) |
template<> | |
MobilityMatrixType | string_to_enum< MobilityMatrixType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< MobilityMatrixType > (MobilityMatrixType val) |
template<> | |
MobilityMatrixInverseType | string_to_enum< MobilityMatrixInverseType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< MobilityMatrixInverseType > (MobilityMatrixInverseType val) |
template<> | |
LibmeshPartitionerType | string_to_enum< LibmeshPartitionerType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< LibmeshPartitionerType > (LibmeshPartitionerType val) |
template<> | |
TensorEvolutionType | string_to_enum< TensorEvolutionType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< TensorEvolutionType > (TensorEvolutionType val) |
template<> | |
AdvDiffBrinkmanPenalizationBcType | string_to_enum< AdvDiffBrinkmanPenalizationBcType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< AdvDiffBrinkmanPenalizationBcType > (AdvDiffBrinkmanPenalizationBcType val) |
template<> | |
IndicatorFunctionType | string_to_enum< IndicatorFunctionType > (const std::string &val) |
template<> | |
std::string | enum_to_string< IndicatorFunctionType > (IndicatorFunctionType val) |
double | default_spring_force (double R, const double *params, int, int) |
Function to compute the (undirected) "tension" force generated by a Hookean spring with either a zero or a non-zero resting length. | |
double | default_spring_force_deriv (double, const double *params, int, int) |
Function to compute the derivative with respect to R of the tension force generated by a Hookean spring with either a zero or a non-zero resting length. | |
double | computeNetInflowPhysicalBoundary (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::HierarchyMathOps > hier_math_ops, int u_idx, int bdry_loc_idx) |
int | add_42 (int a) |
Defines "using" declarations for all IBAMR namespaces. This header file may be included in application codes, but it MUST NOT be included in any other header (.h) or inline (-inl.h) file in the library.
using IBAMR::SpringForceDerivFcnPtr = typedef double (*)(double R, const double* params, int lag_mastr_idx, int lag_slave_idx) |
Typedef specifying the spring force derivative function API.
R | The displacement between the "master" and "slave" nodes associated with the spring. |
params | Constitutive parameters. |
lag_mastr_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "master" node associated with the spring. |
lag_slave_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "slave" node associated with the spring. |
using IBAMR::SpringForceFcnPtr = typedef double (*)(double R, const double* params, int lag_mastr_idx, int lag_slave_idx) |
Typedef specifying the spring force function API.
R | The displacement between the "master" and "slave" nodes associated with the spring. |
params | Constitutive parameters. |
rst | The resting length of the spring. |
lag_mastr_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "master" node associated with the spring. |
lag_slave_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "slave" node associated with the spring. |
double IBAMR::computeNetInflowPhysicalBoundary | ( | SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::HierarchyMathOps > | hier_math_ops, |
int | u_idx, | ||
int | bdry_loc_idx | ||
) |
location_idx | of the boundary at which the integral is evaluated |
inline |
Return the conformation tensor, given the evolved data and the evolved type.
inline |
Convert the provided matrix in the form given by evolve_type to the conformation tensor.
inline |
Function to compute the (undirected) "tension" force generated by a Hookean spring with either a zero or a non-zero resting length.
Consider a single spring, and let
This function computes the undirected spring "tension" force
R | The displacement between the "master" and "slave" nodes associated with the spring. |
params | Constitutive parameters. |
lag_mastr_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "master" node associated with the spring. |
lag_slave_idx | The Lagrangian index of the "slave" node associated with the spring. |