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IBTK::CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator Class Reference

Class CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator is a concrete PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy for solving elliptic equations of the form $ \mbox{$L u$} = \mbox{$(C I + \nabla \cdot D \nabla) u$} = f $ using a globally second-order accurate cell-centered finite-volume discretization, with support for Robin and periodic boundary conditions. More...

#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/ibtk/include/ibtk/CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator.h>

Inheritance diagram for IBTK::CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator (const std::string &object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, const std::string &default_options_prefix)
 ~CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator ()
Functions for configuring the solver.
void setSmootherType (const std::string &level_solver_type) override
 Specify the level solver type.
void setCoarseSolverType (const std::string &coarse_solver_type) override
 Specify the coarse level solver.
- Public Member Functions inherited from IBTK::PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy
 PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy (std::string object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::Variable< NDIM > > scratch_var, int ghost_cell_width, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, const std::string &default_options_prefix)
 ~PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy ()
virtual void setPoissonSpecifications (const SAMRAI::solv::PoissonSpecifications &poisson_spec)
 Set the SAMRAI::solv::PoissonSpecifications object used to specify the coefficients for the scalar-valued or vector-valued Laplace operator.
virtual void setPhysicalBcCoef (SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > *bc_coef)
 Set the SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy object used to specify physical boundary conditions. More...
virtual void setPhysicalBcCoefs (const std::vector< SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > * > &bc_coefs)
 Set the SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy objects used to specify physical boundary conditions. More...
void setResetLevels (int coarsest_ln, int finest_ln)
 Specify the levels that need to be reset the next time the operator is re-initialized. More...
void setCoarseSolverMaxIterations (int coarse_solver_max_iterations)
 Set the maximum number of iterations for the coarse level solve. More...
void setCoarseSolverAbsoluteTolerance (double coarse_solver_abs_residual_tol)
 Set the absolute residual tolerance for convergence for coarse level solve. More...
void setCoarseSolverRelativeTolerance (double coarse_solver_rel_residual_tol)
 Set the relative residual tolerance for convergence for coarse level solve. More...
void setProlongationMethod (const std::string &prolongation_method)
 Set the name of the prolongation method.
void setRestrictionMethod (const std::string &restriction_method)
 Set the name of the restriction method.
void setToZero (SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &vec, int level_num) override
 Zero the supplied vector.
void restrictResidual (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &src, SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &dst, int dst_ln) override
 Restrict the residual quantity to the specified level from the next finer level. More...
void prolongError (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &src, SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &dst, int dst_ln) override
 Prolong the error quantity to the specified level from the next coarser level. More...
void prolongErrorAndCorrect (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &src, SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &dst, int dst_ln) override
 Prolong the error quantity to the specified level from the next coarser level and apply the correction to the fine-level error. More...
void initializeOperatorState (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &solution, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &rhs) override
 Compute hierarchy-dependent data. More...
void deallocateOperatorState () override
 Remove all hierarchy-dependent data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy
 FACPreconditionerStrategy (std::string object_name, bool homogeneous_bc=false)
virtual ~FACPreconditionerStrategy ()=default
 Empty virtual desctructor.
const std::stringgetName () const
 Return the object name.
virtual bool getIsInitialized () const
 Return whether the operator is initialized.
virtual void setFACPreconditioner (SAMRAI::tbox::ConstPointer< FACPreconditioner > preconditioner)
 Method to allow the FACPreconditioner object to register itself with the concrete FACPreconditionerStrategy.
virtual void setHomogeneousBc (bool homogeneous_bc)
 Set whether the solver should use homogeneous boundary conditions.
virtual bool getHomogeneousBc () const
 Return whether the solver is using homogeneous boundary conditions.
virtual void setSolutionTime (double solution_time)
 Set the time at which the solution is to be evaluated.
virtual double getSolutionTime () const
 Get the time at which the solution is being evaluated.
virtual void setTimeInterval (double current_time, double new_time)
 Set the current time interval.
virtual std::pair< double, double > getTimeInterval () const
 Get the current time interval.
virtual double getDt () const
 Get the current time step size.
virtual void allocateScratchData ()
 Allocate scratch data.
virtual void deallocateScratchData ()
 Deallocate scratch data.
virtual void printClassData (std::ostream &stream)
 Print class data to stream.

Static Public Member Functions

static SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< PoissonSolverallocate_solver (const std::string &object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, const std::string &default_options_prefix)
 Static function to construct a PoissonFACPreconditioner with a CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator FAC strategy.

Implementation of FACPreconditionerStrategy interface.

void smoothError (SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &error, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &residual, int level_num, int num_sweeps, bool performing_pre_sweeps, bool performing_post_sweeps) override
 Perform a given number of relaxations on the error. More...
bool solveCoarsestLevel (SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &error, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &residual, int coarsest_ln) override
 Solve the residual equation Ae=r on the coarsest level of the patch hierarchy. More...
void computeResidual (SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &residual, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &solution, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &rhs, int coarsest_level_num, int finest_level_num) override
 Compute composite grid residual on a range of levels. More...
void initializeOperatorStateSpecialized (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &solution, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &rhs, int coarsest_reset_ln, int finest_reset_ln) override
 Compute implementation-specific hierarchy-dependent data.
void deallocateOperatorStateSpecialized (int coarsest_reset_ln, int finest_reset_ln) override
 Remove implementation-specific hierarchy-dependent data.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from IBTK::PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy
void xeqScheduleProlongation (int dst_idx, int src_idx, int dst_ln)
 Execute a refinement schedule for prolonging data.
void xeqScheduleRestriction (int dst_idx, int src_idx, int dst_ln)
 Execute schedule for restricting solution or residual to the specified level.
void xeqScheduleGhostFillNoCoarse (int dst_idx, int dst_ln)
 Execute schedule for filling ghosts on the specified level.
void xeqScheduleDataSynch (int dst_idx, int dst_ln)
 Execute schedule for synchronizing data on the specified level.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy
virtual SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > > getLevelSAMRAIVectorReal (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &vec, int level_num) const
 Return a SAMRAIVectorReal object that corresponds to the given object but restricted to a single level of the patch hierarchy.
- Protected Attributes inherited from IBTK::PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > > d_solution
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > > d_rhs
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > d_hierarchy
int d_coarsest_ln = IBTK::invalid_level_number
int d_finest_ln = IBTK::invalid_level_number
std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::math::HierarchyDataOpsReal< NDIM, double > > > d_level_data_ops
std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::HierarchyGhostCellInterpolation > > d_level_bdry_fill_ops
std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::HierarchyMathOps > > d_level_math_ops
bool d_in_initialize_operator_state = false
int d_coarsest_reset_ln = IBTK::invalid_level_number
int d_finest_reset_ln = IBTK::invalid_level_number
std::string d_smoother_type = "DEFAULT"
std::string d_prolongation_method = "DEFAULT"
std::string d_restriction_method = "DEFAULT"
std::string d_coarse_solver_type = "DEFAULT"
std::string d_coarse_solver_default_options_prefix
double d_coarse_solver_rel_residual_tol = 1.0e-5
double d_coarse_solver_abs_residual_tol = 1.0e-50
int d_coarse_solver_max_iterations = 10
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::VariableContextd_context
int d_scratch_idx = IBTK::invalid_index
SAMRAI::solv::PoissonSpecifications d_poisson_spec
std::unique_ptr< SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > > d_default_bc_coef
std::vector< SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy< NDIM > * > d_bc_coefs
SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM > d_gcw
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< RobinPhysBdryPatchStrategyd_bc_op
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< CoarseFineBoundaryRefinePatchStrategyd_cf_bdry_op
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::VariableFillPattern< NDIM > > d_op_stencil_fill_pattern
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::VariableFillPattern< NDIM > > d_synch_fill_pattern
- Protected Attributes inherited from IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy
SAMRAI::tbox::ConstPointer< IBTK::FACPreconditionerd_preconditioner
const std::string d_object_name
bool d_is_initialized = false
bool d_homogeneous_bc
double d_solution_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_current_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_new_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()

Detailed Description

Class CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator is a concrete PoissonFACPreconditionerStrategy for solving elliptic equations of the form $ \mbox{$L u$} = \mbox{$(C I + \nabla \cdot D \nabla) u$} = f $ using a globally second-order accurate cell-centered finite-volume discretization, with support for Robin and periodic boundary conditions.

This class provides operators that are used by class FACPreconditioner to solve scalar Poisson-type equations of the form

\[ (C I + \nabla \cdot D \nabla) u = f \]

using a cell-centered, globally second-order accurate finite-volume discretization, where

Robin boundary conditions may be specified at physical boundaries; see class SAMRAI::solv::RobinBcCoefStrategy.

By default, the class is configured to solve the Poisson problem $ -\nabla^2 u = f $, subject to homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.

Sample parameters for initialization from database (and their default values):

smoother_type = "PATCH_GAUSS_SEIDEL"         // see setSmootherType()
prolongation_method = "LINEAR_REFINE"        // see setProlongationMethod()
restriction_method = "CONSERVATIVE_COARSEN"  // see setRestrictionMethod()
coarse_solver_type = "HYPRE_LEVEL_SOLVER"    // see setCoarseSolverType()
coarse_solver_rel_residual_tol = 1.0e-5      // see setCoarseSolverRelativeTolerance()
coarse_solver_abs_residual_tol = 1.0e-50     // see setCoarseSolverAbsoluteTolerance()
coarse_solver_max_iterations = 1             // see setCoarseSolverMaxIterations()
coarse_solver_db {                           // SAMRAI::tbox::Database for coarse level solver
   solver_type = "PFMG"
   num_pre_relax_steps = 0
   num_post_relax_steps = 2

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeResidual()

void IBTK::CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator::computeResidual ( SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  residual,
const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  solution,
const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  rhs,
int  coarsest_level_num,
int  finest_level_num 

Compute composite grid residual on a range of levels.

residualresidual vector
solutionsolution vector
rhssource (right hand side) vector
coarsest_level_numcoarsest level number
finest_level_numfinest level number

Implements IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy.

◆ smoothError()

void IBTK::CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator::smoothError ( SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  error,
const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  residual,
int  level_num,
int  num_sweeps,
bool  performing_pre_sweeps,
bool  performing_post_sweeps 

Perform a given number of relaxations on the error.

errorerror vector
residualresidual vector
level_numlevel number
num_sweepsnumber of sweeps to perform
performing_pre_sweepsboolean value that is true when pre-smoothing sweeps are being performed
performing_post_sweepsboolean value that is true when post-smoothing sweeps are being performed

Implements IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy.

◆ solveCoarsestLevel()

bool IBTK::CCPoissonLevelRelaxationFACOperator::solveCoarsestLevel ( SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  error,
const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  residual,
int  coarsest_ln 

Solve the residual equation Ae=r on the coarsest level of the patch hierarchy.

errorerror vector
residualresidual vector
coarsest_lncoarsest level number

Implements IBTK::FACPreconditionerStrategy.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: