An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
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IBAMR::IIMethod Class Reference

Class IIMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBStrategy that provides functionality required by the IB method with a finite element representation of a surface mesh. More...

#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/include/ibamr/IIMethod.h>

Inheritance diagram for IBAMR::IIMethod:
Inheritance graph


struct  CoordinateMappingFcnData
struct  InitialVelocityFcnData
struct  LagSurfaceForceFcnData
struct  LagSurfacePressureFcnData

Public Types

using CoordinateMappingFcnPtr = void(*)(libMesh::Point &x, const libMesh::Point &X, void *ctx)
using InitialVelocityFcnPtr = void(*)(libMesh::VectorValue< double > &U0, const libMesh::Point &X0, void *ctx)
using LagSurfacePressureFcnPtr = IBTK::ScalarSurfaceFcnPtr
using LagSurfaceForceFcnPtr = IBTK::VectorSurfaceFcnPtr

Public Member Functions

 IIMethod (const std::string &object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, libMesh::MeshBase *mesh, int max_level_number, bool register_for_restart=true, const std::string &restart_read_dirname="", unsigned int restart_restore_number=0)
 IIMethod (const std::string &object_name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > input_db, const std::vector< libMesh::MeshBase * > &meshes, int max_level_number, bool register_for_restart=true, const std::string &restart_read_dirname="", unsigned int restart_restore_number=0)
 ~IIMethod ()
IBTK::FEDataManager * getFEDataManager (unsigned int part=0) const
void registerDisconElemFamilyForPressureJump (unsigned int part, libMesh::FEFamily fe_family, libMesh::Order fe_order)
void registerDisconElemFamilyForViscousJump (unsigned int part, libMesh::FEFamily fe_family, libMesh::Order fe_order)
void registerDisconElemFamilyForTraction (unsigned int part, libMesh::FEFamily fe_family, libMesh::Order fe_order)
void registerTangentialVelocityMotion (unsigned int part=0)
void registerPressureJumpNormalization (unsigned int part=0)
void registerInitialCoordinateMappingFunction (const CoordinateMappingFcnData &data, unsigned int part=0)
void registerInitialVelocityFunction (const InitialVelocityFcnData &data, unsigned int part=0)
void registerLagSurfacePressureFunction (const LagSurfacePressureFcnData &data, unsigned int part=0)
void registerLagSurfaceForceFunction (const LagSurfaceForceFcnData &data, unsigned int part=0)
const libMesh::VectorValue< double > & getSurfaceForceIntegral (unsigned int part=0) const
const SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM > & getMinimumGhostCellWidth () const override
void setupTagBuffer (SAMRAI::tbox::Array< int > &tag_buffer, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > > gridding_alg) const override
void preprocessIntegrateData (double current_time, double new_time, int num_cycles) override
void postprocessIntegrateData (double current_time, double new_time, int num_cycles) override
void interpolateVelocity (int u_data_idx, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > &u_synch_scheds, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &u_ghost_fill_scheds, double data_time) override
void computeFluidTraction (double current_time, unsigned int part=0)
void extrapolatePressureForTraction (int p_data_idx, double data_time, unsigned int part=0)
void calculateInterfacialFluidForces (int p_data_idx, double data_time)
void forwardEulerStep (double current_time, double new_time) override
void midpointStep (double current_time, double new_time) override
void trapezoidalStep (double current_time, double new_time) override
void computeLagrangianForce (double data_time) override
void spreadForce (int f_data_idx, IBTK::RobinPhysBdryPatchStrategy *f_phys_bdry_op, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &f_prolongation_scheds, double data_time) override
IBTK::FEDataManager::InterpSpec getDefaultInterpSpec () const
IBTK::FEDataManager::SpreadSpec getDefaultSpreadSpec () const
void setInterpSpec (const IBTK::FEDataManager::InterpSpec &interp_spec, unsigned int part=0)
void setSpreadSpec (const IBTK::FEDataManager::SpreadSpec &spread_spec, unsigned int part=0)
void initializeFEEquationSystems ()
void initializeFEData ()
void registerEulerianVariables () override
 Register Eulerian variables with the parent IBHierarchyIntegrator.
void initializePatchHierarchy (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > > gridding_alg, int u_data_idx, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > &u_synch_scheds, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &u_ghost_fill_scheds, int integrator_step, double init_data_time, bool initial_time) override
void registerLoadBalancer (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::LoadBalancer< NDIM > > load_balancer, int workload_data_idx) override
void addWorkloadEstimate (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, const int workload_data_idx) override
void beginDataRedistribution (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > > gridding_alg) override
void endDataRedistribution (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > > gridding_alg) override
void initializeLevelData (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, int level_number, double init_data_time, bool can_be_refined, bool initial_time, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > > old_level, bool allocate_data) override
void resetHierarchyConfiguration (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, int coarsest_level, int finest_level) override
void applyGradientDetector (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, int level_number, double error_data_time, int tag_index, bool initial_time, bool uses_richardson_extrapolation_too) override
void putToDatabase (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database > db) override
void writeFEDataToRestartFile (const std::string &restart_dump_dirname, unsigned int time_step_number)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IBAMR::IBStrategy
 IBStrategy ()=default
virtual void registerIBHierarchyIntegrator (IBHierarchyIntegrator *ib_solver)
virtual void registerEulerianCommunicationAlgorithms ()
virtual void inactivateLagrangianStructure (int structure_number=0, int level_number=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
virtual void activateLagrangianStructure (int structure_number=0, int level_number=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
virtual bool getLagrangianStructureIsActivated (int structure_number=0, int level_number=std::numeric_limits< int >::max()) const
virtual double getMaxPointDisplacement () const
void setUseFixedLEOperators (bool use_fixed_coupling_ops=true)
virtual void updateFixedLEOperators ()
virtual void setUseMultistepTimeStepping (unsigned int n_previous_steps=1)
virtual void backwardEulerStep (double current_time, double new_time)
virtual void AB2Step (double current_time, double new_time)
virtual bool hasFluidSources () const
virtual void computeLagrangianFluidSource (double data_time)
virtual void spreadFluidSource (int q_data_idx, IBTK::RobinPhysBdryPatchStrategy *q_phys_bdry_op, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &q_prolongation_scheds, double data_time)
virtual void interpolatePressure (int p_data_idx, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > &p_synch_scheds, const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &p_ghost_fill_scheds, double data_time)
virtual void preprocessSolveFluidEquations (double current_time, double new_time, int cycle_num)
virtual void postprocessSolveFluidEquations (double current_time, double new_time, int cycle_num)
virtual void postprocessData ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SAMRAI::mesh::StandardTagAndInitStrategy< NDIM >
virtual double getLevelDt (const tbox::Pointer< hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > > level, const double dt_time, const bool initial_time)
virtual double advanceLevel (const tbox::Pointer< hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > > level, const tbox::Pointer< hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, const double current_time, const double new_time, const bool first_step, const bool last_step, const bool regrid_advance=false)
virtual void resetTimeDependentData (const tbox::Pointer< hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > > level, const double new_time, const bool can_be_refined)
virtual void resetDataToPreadvanceState (const tbox::Pointer< hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > > level)
virtual void applyRichardsonExtrapolation (const tbox::Pointer< hier::PatchLevel< NDIM > > level, const double error_data_time, const int tag_index, const double deltat, const int error_coarsen_ratio, const bool initial_time, const bool uses_gradient_detector_too)
virtual void coarsenDataForRichardsonExtrapolation (const tbox::Pointer< hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > hierarchy, const int level_number, const tbox::Pointer< hier::PatchLevel< NDIM > > coarser_level, const double coarsen_data_time, const bool before_advance)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string COORD_MAPPING_SYSTEM_NAME = "coordinate mapping system"
static const std::string COORDS_SYSTEM_NAME = "coordinates system"
static const std::string FORCE_SYSTEM_NAME = "IB force system"
static const std::string NORMAL_VELOCITY_SYSTEM_NAME = "normal velocity system"
static const std::string PRESSURE_IN_SYSTEM_NAME = "One sided interior pressure system"
static const std::string PRESSURE_JUMP_SYSTEM_NAME = "[[p]] system"
static const std::string PRESSURE_OUT_SYSTEM_NAME = "One sided exterior pressure system"
static const std::string TANGENTIAL_VELOCITY_SYSTEM_NAME = "tangential velocity system"
static const std::string TAU_IN_SYSTEM_NAME = "Interior traction system"
static const std::string TAU_OUT_SYSTEM_NAME = "Exterior traction system"
static const std::string VELOCITY_SYSTEM_NAME = "velocity system"
static const std::string WSS_IN_SYSTEM_NAME = "One sided interior wall shear stress system"
static const std::string WSS_OUT_SYSTEM_NAME = "One sided exterior wall shear stress system"
static const std::array< std::string, NDIM > VELOCITY_JUMP_SYSTEM_NAME

Protected Member Functions

void imposeJumpConditions (const int f_data_idx, libMesh::PetscVector< double > &P_jump_ghost_vec, std::array< libMesh::PetscVector< double > *, NDIM > &DU_jump_ghost_vec, libMesh::PetscVector< double > &X_ghost_vec, const double data_time, const unsigned int part)
bool checkDoubleCountingIntersection (int axis, const double *dx, const libMesh::VectorValue< double > &n, const libMesh::Point &x, const libMesh::Point &xi, const SAMRAI::pdat::SideIndex< NDIM > &i_s, const SAMRAI::pdat::SideIndex< NDIM > &i_s_prime, const std::vector< libMesh::Point > &candidate_coords, const std::vector< libMesh::Point > &candidate_ref_coords, const std::vector< libMesh::VectorValue< double > > &candidate_normals)
 Helper function for checking possible double-counting intesection points.
void initializeCoordinates (unsigned int part)
 Initialize the physical coordinates using the supplied coordinate mapping function. If no function is provided, the initial coordinates are taken to be the Lagrangian coordinates.
void updateCoordinateMapping (unsigned int part)
 Compute dX = x - X, useful mainly for visualization purposes.
void initializeVelocity (unsigned int part)
 Initialize the velocity field using the supplied initial velocity specification function. If no function is provided, the initial velocity is taken to be zero.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IBAMR::IBStrategy
INSHierarchyIntegratorgetINSHierarchyIntegrator () const
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::math::HierarchyDataOpsReal< NDIM, double > > getVelocityHierarchyDataOps () const
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::math::HierarchyDataOpsReal< NDIM, double > > getPressureHierarchyDataOps () const
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::HierarchyMathOpsgetHierarchyMathOps () const
void registerVariable (int &current_idx, int &new_idx, int &scratch_idx, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::Variable< NDIM > > variable, const SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM > &scratch_ghosts=SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM >(0), const std::string &coarsen_name="NO_COARSEN", const std::string &refine_name="NO_REFINE", SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< IBTK::CartGridFunction > init_fcn=nullptr, const bool register_for_restart=true)
void registerVariable (int &idx, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::Variable< NDIM > > variable, const SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM > &ghosts=SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM >(0), SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::VariableContext > ctx=SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::VariableContext >(nullptr), const bool register_for_restart=true)
void registerGhostfillRefineAlgorithm (const std::string &name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm< NDIM > > ghostfill_alg, std::unique_ptr< SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM > > ghostfill_patch_strategy=nullptr)
void registerProlongRefineAlgorithm (const std::string &name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm< NDIM > > prolong_alg, std::unique_ptr< SAMRAI::xfer::RefinePatchStrategy< NDIM > > prolong_patch_strategy=nullptr)
void registerCoarsenAlgorithm (const std::string &name, SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenAlgorithm< NDIM > > coarsen_alg, std::unique_ptr< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenPatchStrategy< NDIM > > coarsen_patch_strategy=nullptr)
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm< NDIM > > getGhostfillRefineAlgorithm (const std::string &name) const
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineAlgorithm< NDIM > > getProlongRefineAlgorithm (const std::string &name) const
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenAlgorithm< NDIM > > getCoarsenAlgorithm (const std::string &name) const
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > & getGhostfillRefineSchedules (const std::string &name) const
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > & getProlongRefineSchedules (const std::string &name) const
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > & getCoarsenSchedules (const std::string &name) const

Protected Attributes

bool d_do_log = false
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > > d_hierarchy
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > > d_gridding_alg
bool d_is_initialized = false
std::shared_ptr< IBTK::SAMRAIDataCached_eulerian_data_cache
double d_current_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_new_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_half_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
std::vector< libMesh::MeshBase * > d_meshes
int d_max_level_number
std::vector< libMesh::EquationSystems * > d_equation_systems
std::vector< bool > d_use_discon_elem_for_jumps = { false }
std::vector< bool > d_use_tangential_velocity = { false }
std::vector< bool > d_normalize_pressure_jump = { false }
const unsigned int d_num_parts = 1
std::vector< IBTK::FEDataManager * > d_fe_data_managers
SAMRAI::hier::IntVector< NDIM > d_ghosts = 0
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_X_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_U_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_U_n_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_U_t_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_F_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_P_jump_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_WSS_in_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_WSS_out_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_P_in_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_P_out_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_TAU_in_systems
std::vector< libMesh::System * > d_TAU_out_systems
std::vector< std::array< libMesh::System *, NDIM > > d_DU_jump_systems
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_F_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_F_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_X_current_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_X_new_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_X_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_X0_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_X_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_current_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_new_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_n_current_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_n_new_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_n_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_t_current_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_t_new_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_U_t_half_vecs
std::vector< std::array< libMesh::PetscVector< double > *, NDIM > > d_DU_jump_half_vecs
std::vector< std::array< libMesh::PetscVector< double > *, NDIM > > d_DU_jump_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_jump_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_jump_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_in_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_in_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_out_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_P_out_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_WSS_in_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_WSS_in_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_WSS_out_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_WSS_out_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_TAU_in_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_TAU_in_IB_ghost_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_TAU_out_half_vecs
std::vector< libMesh::PetscVector< double > * > d_TAU_out_IB_ghost_vecs
bool d_fe_equation_systems_initialized = false
bool d_fe_data_initialized = false
IBTK::FEDataManager::InterpSpec d_default_interp_spec
IBTK::FEDataManager::SpreadSpec d_default_spread_spec
IBTK::FEDataManager::WorkloadSpec d_default_workload_spec
std::vector< IBTK::FEDataManager::InterpSpec > d_interp_spec
std::vector< IBTK::FEDataManager::SpreadSpec > d_spread_spec
bool d_use_pressure_jump_conditions = false
bool d_use_velocity_jump_conditions = false
bool d_use_u_interp_correction = false
bool d_compute_fluid_traction = false
bool d_perturb_fe_mesh_nodes = true
std::vector< libMesh::FEFamily > d_fe_family
std::vector< libMesh::FEFamily > d_viscous_jump_fe_family
std::vector< libMesh::FEFamily > d_pressure_jump_fe_family
std::vector< libMesh::FEFamily > d_traction_fe_family
std::vector< libMesh::Order > d_fe_order
std::vector< libMesh::Order > d_viscous_jump_fe_order
std::vector< libMesh::Order > d_pressure_jump_fe_order
std::vector< libMesh::Order > d_traction_fe_order
std::vector< libMesh::QuadratureType > d_default_quad_type
std::vector< libMesh::Order > d_default_quad_order
bool d_use_consistent_mass_matrix = true
bool d_use_direct_forcing = false
double d_exterior_calc_coef = 1.0
double d_wss_calc_width = 1.05
double d_p_calc_width = 1.3
double d_fuzzy_tol = 1e-5
double d_mesh_perturb_tol = 1e-4
std::vector< CoordinateMappingFcnDatad_coordinate_mapping_fcn_data
std::vector< InitialVelocityFcnDatad_initial_velocity_fcn_data
std::vector< LagSurfacePressureFcnDatad_lag_surface_pressure_fcn_data
std::vector< LagSurfaceForceFcnDatad_lag_surface_force_fcn_data
std::vector< libMesh::VectorValue< double > > d_lag_surface_force_integral
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::Variable< NDIM > > d_p_var
int d_p_scratch_idx = IBTK::invalid_index
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::LoadBalancer< NDIM > > d_load_balancer
int d_workload_idx = IBTK::invalid_index
std::string d_object_name
bool d_registered_for_restart
std::string d_libmesh_restart_read_dir
int d_libmesh_restart_restore_number
std::string d_libmesh_restart_file_extension = "xdr"
- Protected Attributes inherited from IBAMR::IBStrategy
IBHierarchyIntegratord_ib_solver = nullptr
bool d_use_fixed_coupling_ops = false

Detailed Description

Class IIMethod is an implementation of the abstract base class IBStrategy that provides functionality required by the IB method with a finite element representation of a surface mesh.

Coupling schemes include both IB formulations (integral operations with regularized delta function kernels) and an immersed interface method (IIM) scheme (E. M. Kolahdouz, A. P. S. Bhalla, B. A. Craven, and B. E. Griffith. An immersed interface method for discrete surfaces. J Comput Phys, 400:108854 (37 pages), 2020).

When using the IIM implementation, it is recommended that users set all linear solvers to use tight relative tolerances (1e-10).

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CoordinateMappingFcnPtr

using IBAMR::IIMethod::CoordinateMappingFcnPtr = void (*)(libMesh::Point& x, const libMesh::Point& X, void* ctx)

Typedef specifying interface for coordinate mapping function.

◆ InitialVelocityFcnPtr

using IBAMR::IIMethod::InitialVelocityFcnPtr = void (*)(libMesh::VectorValue<double>& U0, const libMesh::Point& X0, void* ctx)

Typedef specifying interface for initial velocity specification function.

◆ LagSurfaceForceFcnPtr

using IBAMR::IIMethod::LagSurfaceForceFcnPtr = IBTK::VectorSurfaceFcnPtr

Typedef specifying interface for Lagrangian surface force distribution function.

◆ LagSurfacePressureFcnPtr

using IBAMR::IIMethod::LagSurfacePressureFcnPtr = IBTK::ScalarSurfaceFcnPtr

Typedef specifying interface for Lagrangian pressure force distribution function.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addWorkloadEstimate()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::addWorkloadEstimate ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
const int  workload_data_idx 

Add the estimated computational work from the current object (i.e., the work required by the owned Lagrangian objects) per cell into the specified workload_data_idx.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ applyGradientDetector()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::applyGradientDetector ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
int  level_number,
double  error_data_time,
int  tag_index,
bool  initial_time,
bool  uses_richardson_extrapolation_too 

Set integer tags to "one" in cells where refinement of the given level should occur according to user-supplied feature detection criteria.

See also

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ beginDataRedistribution()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::beginDataRedistribution ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > >  gridding_alg 

Begin redistributing Lagrangian data prior to regridding the patch hierarchy.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ calculateInterfacialFluidForces()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::calculateInterfacialFluidForces ( int  p_data_idx,
double  data_time 

A wrapper to compute the interfacial pressure and fluid traction from the jumps.

◆ computeFluidTraction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::computeFluidTraction ( double  current_time,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Compute the fluid traction if all jump conditions are applied.

◆ computeLagrangianForce()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::computeLagrangianForce ( double  data_time)

Compute the Lagrangian force at the specified time within the current time interval.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ endDataRedistribution()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::endDataRedistribution ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > >  gridding_alg 

Complete redistributing Lagrangian data following regridding the patch hierarchy.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ extrapolatePressureForTraction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::extrapolatePressureForTraction ( int  p_data_idx,
double  data_time,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Compute the interior/exterior pressure used in the calculation of the fluid traction (pressure jump condition needs to be applied).

◆ forwardEulerStep()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::forwardEulerStep ( double  current_time,
double  new_time 

Advance the positions of the Lagrangian structure using the forward Euler method.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ getDefaultInterpSpec()

FEDataManager::InterpSpec IBAMR::IIMethod::getDefaultInterpSpec ( ) const

Get the default interpolation spec object used by the class.

◆ getDefaultSpreadSpec()

FEDataManager::SpreadSpec IBAMR::IIMethod::getDefaultSpreadSpec ( ) const

Get the default spread spec object used by the class.

◆ getFEDataManager()

FEDataManager * IBAMR::IIMethod::getFEDataManager ( unsigned int  part = 0) const

Return a pointer to the finite element data manager object for the specified part.

◆ getMinimumGhostCellWidth()

const IntVector< NDIM > & IBAMR::IIMethod::getMinimumGhostCellWidth ( ) const

Return the number of ghost cells required by the Lagrangian-Eulerian interaction routines.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ getSurfaceForceIntegral()

const VectorValue< double > & IBAMR::IIMethod::getSurfaceForceIntegral ( unsigned int  part = 0) const

The current value of the integrated surface force.

◆ imposeJumpConditions()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::imposeJumpConditions ( const int  f_data_idx,
libMesh::PetscVector< double > &  P_jump_ghost_vec,
std::array< libMesh::PetscVector< double > *, NDIM > &  DU_jump_ghost_vec,
libMesh::PetscVector< double > &  X_ghost_vec,
const double  data_time,
const unsigned int  part 

Impose the jump conditions.

◆ initializeFEData()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::initializeFEData ( )

Initialize FE data. This method must be called prior to calling IBHierarchyIntegrator::initializePatchHierarchy().

◆ initializeFEEquationSystems()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::initializeFEEquationSystems ( )

Initialize the FE equation systems objects. This method must be called prior to calling initializeFEData().

◆ initializeLevelData()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::initializeLevelData ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
int  level_number,
double  init_data_time,
bool  can_be_refined,
bool  initial_time,
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchLevel< NDIM > >  old_level,
bool  allocate_data 

Initialize data on a new level after it is inserted into an AMR patch hierarchy by the gridding algorithm.

See also

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ initializePatchHierarchy()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::initializePatchHierarchy ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::PatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > >  gridding_alg,
int  u_data_idx,
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > &  u_synch_scheds,
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &  u_ghost_fill_scheds,
int  integrator_step,
double  init_data_time,
bool  initial_time 

Initialize Lagrangian data corresponding to the given AMR patch hierarchy at the start of a computation. If the computation is begun from a restart file, data may be read from the restart databases.

A patch data descriptor is provided for the Eulerian velocity in case initialization requires interpolating Eulerian data. Ghost cells for Eulerian data will be filled upon entry to this function.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ interpolateVelocity()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::interpolateVelocity ( int  u_data_idx,
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::CoarsenSchedule< NDIM > > > &  u_synch_scheds,
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &  u_ghost_fill_scheds,
double  data_time 

Interpolate the Eulerian velocity to the curvilinear mesh at the specified time within the current time interval.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ midpointStep()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::midpointStep ( double  current_time,
double  new_time 

Advance the positions of the Lagrangian structure using the (explicit) midpoint rule.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ postprocessIntegrateData()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::postprocessIntegrateData ( double  current_time,
double  new_time,
int  num_cycles 

Method to clean up data following call(s) to integrateHierarchy().

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ preprocessIntegrateData()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::preprocessIntegrateData ( double  current_time,
double  new_time,
int  num_cycles 

Method to prepare to advance data from current_time to new_time.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ putToDatabase()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::putToDatabase ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::tbox::Database db)

Write out object state to the given database.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ registerDisconElemFamilyForPressureJump()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerDisconElemFamilyForPressureJump ( unsigned int  part,
libMesh::FEFamily  fe_family,
libMesh::Order  fe_order 

Register relevant part to use discontinuous element type family for the calculation of jumps plus traction quantities. This option should be used for geometries with sharp corners. The acceptable options are CONSTANT MONOMIAL, FIRST order MONOMIAL, or FIRST order L2_LAGRANGE.

The relveant FE family is provided while registering a part in the application code. The default value is set to regular LAGRANGE.

◆ registerDisconElemFamilyForTraction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerDisconElemFamilyForTraction ( unsigned int  part,
libMesh::FEFamily  fe_family,
libMesh::Order  fe_order 

Register relevant part to use discontinuous element type family for the calculation of jumps plus traction quantities. This option should be used for geometries with sharp corners. The acceptable options are CONSTANT MONOMIAL, FIRST order MONOMIAL, or FIRST order L2_LAGRANGE.

The relveant FE family is provided while registering a part in the application code. The default value is set to regular LAGRANGE.

◆ registerDisconElemFamilyForViscousJump()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerDisconElemFamilyForViscousJump ( unsigned int  part,
libMesh::FEFamily  fe_family,
libMesh::Order  fe_order 

Register relevant part to use discontinuous element type family for the calculation of jumps plus traction quantities. This option should be used for geometries with sharp corners. The acceptable options are CONSTANT MONOMIAL, FIRST order MONOMIAL, or FIRST order L2_LAGRANGE.

The relveant FE family is provided while registering a part in the application code. The default value is set to regular LAGRANGE.

◆ registerEulerianVariables()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerEulerianVariables ( )

Register Eulerian variables with the parent IBHierarchyIntegrator.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ registerInitialCoordinateMappingFunction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerInitialCoordinateMappingFunction ( const CoordinateMappingFcnData data,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Register the (optional) function used to initialize the physical coordinates from the Lagrangian coordinates.

If no function is provided, the initial physical coordinates are taken to be the same as the Lagrangian coordinate system, i.e., the initial coordinate mapping is assumed to be the identity mapping.

◆ registerInitialVelocityFunction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerInitialVelocityFunction ( const InitialVelocityFcnData data,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Register the (optional) function used to initialize the velocity of the solid mesh.

If no function is provided, the initial velocity is taken to be zero.

◆ registerLagSurfaceForceFunction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerLagSurfaceForceFunction ( const LagSurfaceForceFcnData data,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Register the (optional) function to compute surface force distributions on the Lagrangian finite element mesh.

It is NOT possible to register multiple surface force functions with this class.

◆ registerLagSurfacePressureFunction()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerLagSurfacePressureFunction ( const LagSurfacePressureFcnData data,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Register the (optional) function to compute surface pressure distributions on the Lagrangian finite element mesh.

It is NOT possible to register multiple pressure functions with this class.

◆ registerLoadBalancer()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerLoadBalancer ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::LoadBalancer< NDIM > >  load_balancer,
int  workload_data_idx 

Register a load balancer and work load patch data index with the IB strategy object.

This method is no longer necessary with the current workload estimation scheme.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ registerPressureJumpNormalization()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerPressureJumpNormalization ( unsigned int  part = 0)

Register relevant part for which we would like to normalize the pressure jump.

This is only recommended for enclosed bodies.

◆ registerTangentialVelocityMotion()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::registerTangentialVelocityMotion ( unsigned int  part = 0)

Register relevant part to only use the tangential component of the Lagrangian velocity for displacement. The lack of normal velocity needs to be compensated by a large frictional penalty force (direct forcing for the normal velocity)

If no function is provided, all parts will be moving according to the full Lagrangian velocity

◆ resetHierarchyConfiguration()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::resetHierarchyConfiguration ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::hier::BasePatchHierarchy< NDIM > >  hierarchy,
int  coarsest_level,
int  finest_level 

Reset cached hierarchy dependent data.

See also

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ setInterpSpec()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::setInterpSpec ( const IBTK::FEDataManager::InterpSpec &  interp_spec,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Set the interpolation spec object used with a particular mesh part.

◆ setSpreadSpec()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::setSpreadSpec ( const IBTK::FEDataManager::SpreadSpec &  spread_spec,
unsigned int  part = 0 

Set the spread spec object used with a particular mesh part.

◆ setupTagBuffer()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::setupTagBuffer ( SAMRAI::tbox::Array< int > &  tag_buffer,
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::mesh::GriddingAlgorithm< NDIM > >  gridding_alg 
) const

Setup the tag buffer.

Reimplemented from IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ spreadForce()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::spreadForce ( int  f_data_idx,
IBTK::RobinPhysBdryPatchStrategy f_phys_bdry_op,
const std::vector< SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< SAMRAI::xfer::RefineSchedule< NDIM > > > &  f_prolongation_scheds,
double  data_time 

Spread the Lagrangian force to the Cartesian grid at the specified time within the current time interval.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ trapezoidalStep()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::trapezoidalStep ( double  current_time,
double  new_time 

Advance the positions of the Lagrangian structure using the (explicit) trapezoidal rule.

Implements IBAMR::IBStrategy.

◆ writeFEDataToRestartFile()

void IBAMR::IIMethod::writeFEDataToRestartFile ( const std::string restart_dump_dirname,
unsigned int  time_step_number 

Write the equation_systems data to a restart file in the specified directory.

Member Data Documentation


const std::array< std::string, NDIM > IBAMR::IIMethod::VELOCITY_JUMP_SYSTEM_NAME
Initial value:
= { { "velocity [[du]] jump system",
"velocity [[dv]] jump system"
"velocity [[dw]] jump system"
} }

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