An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
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IBTK::GeneralSolver Class Referenceabstract

Class GeneralSolver provides an abstract interface for the implementation of linear or nonlinear solvers for systems of equations defined on an AMR patch hierarchy. More...

#include </home/runner/work/IBAMR/IBAMR/ibtk/include/ibtk/GeneralSolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for IBTK::GeneralSolver:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 GeneralSolver ()=default
virtual ~GeneralSolver ()=default
 Empty virtual destructor.
General-purpose solver functionality.
const std::stringgetName () const
 Return the object name.
virtual bool getIsInitialized () const
 Return whether the operator is initialized.
virtual void setHomogeneousBc (bool homogeneous_bc)
 Set whether the solver should use homogeneous boundary conditions.
virtual bool getHomogeneousBc () const
 Return whether the solver is using homogeneous boundary conditions.
virtual void setSolutionTime (double solution_time)
 Set the time at which the solution is to be evaluated.
virtual double getSolutionTime () const
 Get the time at which the solution is being evaluated.
virtual void setTimeInterval (double current_time, double new_time)
 Set the current time interval.
virtual std::pair< double, double > getTimeInterval () const
 Get the current time interval.
virtual double getDt () const
 Get the current time step size.
virtual void setHierarchyMathOps (SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< HierarchyMathOps > hier_math_ops)
 Set the HierarchyMathOps object used by the solver.
virtual SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< HierarchyMathOpsgetHierarchyMathOps () const
 Get the HierarchyMathOps object used by the solver.
virtual bool solveSystem (SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &x, SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &b)=0
 Solve the system of equations.
virtual void initializeSolverState (const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &x, const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &b)
 Compute hierarchy dependent data required for solving $F[x]=b$.
virtual void deallocateSolverState ()
 Remove all hierarchy dependent data allocated by initializeSolverState().
Functions to access solver parameters.
virtual void setMaxIterations (int max_iterations)
 Set the maximum number of nonlinear iterations to use per solve.
virtual int getMaxIterations () const
 Get the maximum number of nonlinear iterations to use per solve.
virtual void setAbsoluteTolerance (double abs_residual_tol)
 Set the absolute residual tolerance for convergence.
virtual double getAbsoluteTolerance () const
 Get the absolute residual tolerance for convergence.
virtual void setRelativeTolerance (double rel_residual_tol)
 Set the relative residual tolerance for convergence.
virtual double getRelativeTolerance () const
 Get the relative residual tolerance for convergence.
Functions to access data on the most recent solve.
virtual int getNumIterations () const
 Return the iteration count from the most recent solve.
virtual double getResidualNorm () const
 Return the residual norm from the most recent iteration.

Logging functions.

std::string d_object_name = "unitialized"
bool d_is_initialized = false
bool d_homogeneous_bc = false
double d_solution_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_current_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_new_time = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
double d_rel_residual_tol = 0.0
double d_abs_residual_tol = 0.0
int d_max_iterations = 100
int d_current_iterations = 0
double d_current_residual_norm = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< HierarchyMathOpsd_hier_math_ops
bool d_hier_math_ops_external = false
bool d_enable_logging = false
virtual void setLoggingEnabled (bool enable_logging=true)
 Enable or disable logging.
virtual bool getLoggingEnabled () const
 Determine whether logging is enabled or disabled.
virtual void printClassData (std::ostream &stream)
 Print class data to stream.
void init (const std::string &object_name, bool homogeneous_bc)
virtual void initSpecialized (const std::string &object_name, bool homogeneous_bc)

Detailed Description

Class GeneralSolver provides an abstract interface for the implementation of linear or nonlinear solvers for systems of equations defined on an AMR patch hierarchy.

Member Function Documentation

◆ deallocateSolverState()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::deallocateSolverState ( )

Remove all hierarchy dependent data allocated by initializeSolverState().

Subclasses are required to be implemented so that it is safe to call deallocateSolverState() when the solver state is already deallocated.
Subclasses are required to be implemented so that when any operator objects have been registered with the solver via setOperator() or setJacobian(), they are also deallocated by deallocateSolverState().
See also

Reimplemented in IBTK::BGaussSeidelPreconditioner, IBTK::BJacobiPreconditioner, IBTK::CCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBTK::FACPreconditioner, IBTK::PETScKrylovLinearSolver, IBTK::PETScLevelSolver, IBTK::PETScNewtonKrylovSolver, IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper, IBTK::SCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBAMR::CIBStaggeredStokesSolver, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesBlockFactorizationPreconditioner, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesBlockPreconditioner, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner, and IBAMR::VCStaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner.

◆ getAbsoluteTolerance()

double IBTK::GeneralSolver::getAbsoluteTolerance ( ) const

Get the absolute residual tolerance for convergence.

Reimplemented in IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ getMaxIterations()

int IBTK::GeneralSolver::getMaxIterations ( ) const

Get the maximum number of nonlinear iterations to use per solve.

Reimplemented in IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ getNumIterations()

int IBTK::GeneralSolver::getNumIterations ( ) const

Return the iteration count from the most recent solve.

Reimplemented in IBTK::BGaussSeidelPreconditioner, IBTK::BJacobiPreconditioner, and IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ getRelativeTolerance()

double IBTK::GeneralSolver::getRelativeTolerance ( ) const

Get the relative residual tolerance for convergence.

Reimplemented in IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ getResidualNorm()

double IBTK::GeneralSolver::getResidualNorm ( ) const

Return the residual norm from the most recent iteration.

Reimplemented in IBTK::BGaussSeidelPreconditioner, IBTK::BJacobiPreconditioner, and IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ initializeSolverState()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::initializeSolverState ( const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  x,
const SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  b 

Compute hierarchy dependent data required for solving $F[x]=b$.

In a typical implementation, the solveSystem() method will compute some required hierarchy dependent data before the solve, and then remove that data after the solve. For multiple solves that use the same hierarchy configuration, it is more efficient to:

  1. initialize the hierarchy-dependent data required by the solver via initializeSolverState(),
  2. solve the system one or more times via solveSystem(), and
  3. remove the hierarchy-dependent data via deallocateSolverState().

Note that it is generally necessary to reinitialize the solver state when the hierarchy configuration changes.

xsolution vector
bright-hand-side vector

Conditions on Parameters:

  • vectors x and b must have same patch hierarchy
  • vectors x and b must have same structure, depth, etc.
Subclasses must be implemented so that the vector arguments for solveSystem() need not match those for initializeSolverState(). However, they are allowed to require a certain degree of similarity, including:
  • hierarchy configuration (hierarchy pointer and range of levels)
  • number, type and alignment of vector component data
  • ghost cell widths of data in the solution x and right-hand-side b vectors
Subclasses are required to be implemented so that it is safe to call initializeSolverState() when the solver state is already initialized. In this case, the solver state should be first deallocated and then reinitialized.
Subclasses are required to be implemented so that when any operator objects have been registered with the solver via setOperator() or setJacobian(), they are also initialized by initializeSolverState().
See also

Reimplemented in IBTK::BGaussSeidelPreconditioner, IBTK::BJacobiPreconditioner, IBTK::CCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBTK::FACPreconditioner, IBTK::PETScKrylovLinearSolver, IBTK::PETScLevelSolver, IBTK::PETScNewtonKrylovSolver, IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper, IBTK::SCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBAMR::CIBStaggeredStokesSolver, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesBlockFactorizationPreconditioner, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesBlockPreconditioner, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner, and IBAMR::VCStaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner.

◆ printClassData()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::printClassData ( std::ostream stream)

Print class data to stream.

Reimplemented in IBTK::LinearSolver.

◆ setAbsoluteTolerance()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setAbsoluteTolerance ( double  abs_residual_tol)

Set the absolute residual tolerance for convergence.

Reimplemented in IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ setHierarchyMathOps()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setHierarchyMathOps ( SAMRAI::tbox::Pointer< HierarchyMathOps hier_math_ops)

Set the HierarchyMathOps object used by the solver.

Reimplemented in IBTK::KrylovLinearSolver, and IBTK::NewtonKrylovSolver.

◆ setHomogeneousBc()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setHomogeneousBc ( bool  homogeneous_bc)

Set whether the solver should use homogeneous boundary conditions.

Reimplemented in IBTK::FACPreconditioner, IBTK::KrylovLinearSolver, and IBTK::NewtonKrylovSolver.

◆ setMaxIterations()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setMaxIterations ( int  max_iterations)

◆ setRelativeTolerance()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setRelativeTolerance ( double  rel_residual_tol)

Set the relative residual tolerance for convergence.

Reimplemented in IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper.

◆ setSolutionTime()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setSolutionTime ( double  solution_time)

Set the time at which the solution is to be evaluated.

Reimplemented in IBTK::FACPreconditioner, IBTK::KrylovLinearSolver, IBTK::NewtonKrylovSolver, and IBAMR::CIBStaggeredStokesSolver.

◆ setTimeInterval()

void IBTK::GeneralSolver::setTimeInterval ( double  current_time,
double  new_time 

◆ solveSystem()

virtual bool IBTK::GeneralSolver::solveSystem ( SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  x,
SAMRAI::solv::SAMRAIVectorReal< NDIM, double > &  b 
pure virtual

Solve the system of equations.

Before calling solveSystem(), the form of the solution x and right-hand-side b vectors must be set properly by the user on all patch interiors on the specified range of levels in the patch hierarchy. The user is responsible for all data management for the quantities associated with the solution and right-hand-side vectors. In particular, patch data in these vectors must be allocated prior to calling this method.

xsolution vector
bright-hand-side vector

Conditions on Parameters:

  • vectors x and b must have same patch hierarchy
  • vectors x and b must have same structure, depth, etc.
Subclasses must be implemented so that the vector arguments for solveSystem() need not match those for initializeSolverState(). However, they are allowed to require a certain degree of similarity, including:
  • hierarchy configuration (hierarchy pointer and range of levels)
  • number, type and alignment of vector component data
  • ghost cell widths of data in the solution x and right-hand-side b vectors
Subclasses are required to be implemented so that the solver does not need to be initialized prior to calling solveSystem(); however, see initializeSolverState() and deallocateSolverState() for opportunities to save overhead when performing multiple consecutive solves.
See also
true if the solver converged to the specified tolerances, false otherwise

Implemented in IBTK::BGaussSeidelPreconditioner, IBTK::BJacobiPreconditioner, IBTK::CCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBTK::FACPreconditioner, IBTK::PETScKrylovLinearSolver, IBTK::PETScLevelSolver, IBTK::PETScNewtonKrylovSolver, IBTK::PETScPCLSWrapper, IBTK::SCPoissonHypreLevelSolver, IBAMR::CIBStaggeredStokesSolver, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesBlockFactorizationPreconditioner, IBAMR::StaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner, and IBAMR::VCStaggeredStokesProjectionPreconditioner.

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